Solved: Design Thinking and Google’s Design Sprint Process to iteratively (re)design




Students will demonstrate the knowledge obtained and skills developed throughout the course in a team project. Teams will implement a Design Thinking and Google’s Design Sprint Process to iteratively (re)design, prototype andevaluate an interactive system/site. Teams may choose from a provided list of popular news sites OR teams may choose their own system/site that must be approved by the instructor prior to starting the project. Teams will submit a report detailing their process, including design artifacts, user data, evaluation results, etc. Citations (of any course materials and/or any outside materials) should be included to support your designs, ideas, etc.

List of 10 acceptable news sites:

The Project Team

Students are to form teams of their own choosing, consisting of 3-5 students per team. Smaller or larger teams will notbe allowed. Once the team is formed, choose a team name. One team member must submit the list of team members, a team name, and the website choice to the Final Project discussion forum by 3/17 @ 10pm (refer to list ofdeliverables at the end of this document).

Peer evaluations of the team will be completed by each team member at the end of the semester. An evaluation template/form will be provided. Team members are NOT guaranteed the same grade. If you do not contribute equally to the work, you will receive a grade that reflects this.

Project Details and Report Outline

The following list details each part of the project assignment and the project sections. Figures to illustrate the designsand entire process of interaction design must be included. Please don’t forget to number figures and refer to them clearly in the text. For all images and figures, clearly highlight/callout areas of importance (e.g., design issues and where the redesign is, etc.).

  • Unpack: Identifying Design Issues and User Requirements
  • Explain what problem your website has – define the problem space
    • Identify at least 4 design issues
    • Explain what evidence/data you have related to those problem(s)
  • Identify a target population.
    • Gather User Requirements: develop (i) a scenario and (ii) a user persona
  • Sketch: Designing Solutions
  • Each team member is responsible for sketching TWO solutions that use ALL 4 concepts (i.e., design issues). You’re employing divergent thinking!
    • Include photo or other digital version of each pen and paper sketch.
    • Briefly describe how your sketches address the concepts.
  • Decide: Determining the Best Solution
  • As a team, choose the best design solution by employing convergent thinking. The chosen solution can be a mix of team members’ designs.
    • Explain HOW/WHY the solution was chosen.
  • Prototype: Implementing First Iteration of Redesigned Site
  • Prototype your design solution.
  • The solution must include at least two (2) pages of the site (3 pages max.) (i.e., main page and a second-level page)
  • Test: Evaluating the Design (Usability Testing / Gathering Data)
  • Define 2 or 3 tasks your users will carry out using your prototype (based on the problem space and the concepts you addressed).
  • Define 2 or 3 usability (i.e., measurable) criteria, such as time to task completion.
  • Test your design against current site: each team member must test the prototype with 1 or 2 users (e.g., family, friends)
  • Iterate: Revising and Prototyping
  • Compile user testing results to determine changes to make to the design.
  • Prototype the revised design
  • Considering the user testing results, explain HOW/WHY the redesign was determined.
  • Reflect: Explaining the Design Process
  • Reflect on how your team collaborated to complete the project.
  • Provide a summary of your team’s process and division of labor for each phase of the iterative design process.
  • What collaborative technology/technologies was used?
  • Did it work? Why or why not? What would you do differently next time?
  • Appendices
  • All designs, user persona, scenario, user data, evaluation results, and any other artifacts.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Cover page with Team Name and members
  • Single column
  • Arial or Times New Roman, 11-point
  • 1-inch margins
  • 1.15 spaced text
  • Number pages
  • References in APA format

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