Discussion Questions

1.   Computers are being used to track down criminals and solve crimes. How is technology assisting investigators?


Web Project 2: Distracted Driving Laws

Many states have outlawed texting while driving and ban cell phone usage while operating a vehicle. What is the law in your community? What are the fines for violations? Does the law prohibit reading text messages or only writing them? How about using the Internet? Write a sentence or two answering these questions and take a stand on whether or not you feel these laws go far enough or need to be strengthened. Include URL addresses for all websites you visit.


Web Project 3: Technology for the Blind or Visually Impaired

If you have normal vision, you probably don’t think much about making sure your clothes match, pulling out bills to purchase an item, or using a computer. What if you were blind or visually impaired? Simple, everyday tasks others take for granted could pose challenges. How would you tell how full your bowl of soup is or navigate around an unfamiliar building? You probably wouldn’t rush out to buy the newest smartphone or ebook reader. Or would you? Various devices make technology accessible to the blind or visually impaired to enhance their daily lives. Search the Web for 10 different technology products for the blind or visually impaired. Write a list of each item as well as pricing information, if available, and inform your instructor if any of these products surprised you and why.



Looking at Computers
Understanding the Parts

Discussion Questions

1.   Compare and contrast inkjet and laser printers. Be sure to include in your discussion which printer type is more economical and why.

2.   Discuss what “healthy computing” is and what you can do to work in a healthy way while using your tablet or laptop computer.

CHAPTER 2: Looking at Computers Understanding the Parts

Web Project 1: Digital Pens

Wouldn’t it be helpful to have your handwritten notes typed and then read back to you? Can you imagine trying to solve a math problem out loud and then being able to e-mail it to your teacher for feedback? Would you like to record a lecture and then speed it up or slow it down during playback? Digital pens are now available to do all that and more.

Use a search engine to research digital pens. Write a sentence or two that compares and contrasts a more expensive digital pen with a less expensive one. Is the performance similar? What is the ease of use? Are the features comparable? How much setup is involved? How might you benefit from one of these devices?

CHAPTER 2: Looking at Computers Understanding the Parts

Web Project 2: Buying a Portable Computer

You would like to purchase a portable computer for your personal use. In this chapter you learned about tablets and ultrabooks. You might have heard the term slate PC. Write a sentence or two that describes the differences among these three designs.

CHAPTER 2: Looking at Computers Understanding the Parts

Web Project 3: Blu-Ray Discs

Blu-ray is the latest optical storage medium, and it is replacing DVDs. You have probably seen advertisements touting it as the new way to view your favorite movies. If you have visited your local video store lately, you have probably noticed that new releases are now available for rent in this format.

Using an Internet search engine, find at least three websites that discuss Blu-ray. Write a sentence or two about your findings and answer the following questions: Who developed Blu-ray? What advantages does Blu-ray offer over CDs or DVDs? What equipment do you need to play Blu-ray discs? After having researched this topic, are you now persuaded to purchase Blu-ray movies?

CHAPTER 2: Looking at Computers Understanding the Parts

Web Project 4: Keyboard for Smartphone

Have you ever thought it would be nice to use a physical keyboard instead of the small virtual one on your smartphone to type text messages, write e-mails, type memos, or surf the Internet? If you answered yes, you will be pleased to learn that there a number of products on the market that will allow you to easily do so. Conduct an Internet search on the various types of keyboards available for smartphones. Write a review of two different products listing the pros and cons of each and indicate if there is one compatible with your smartphone. Would you purchase it? Include URL addresses for all websites you visit.


Using the Internet:
Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Discussion Questions

1.   Like most technology, the Internet and its uses continue to grow and evolve. Some people use the Internet to take online courses to earn college credit. Others use the Internet for entertainment purposes: instant messaging, listening to music, gaming, and so on. Still others use it for podcasting, blogging, and managing personal websites. Some use it for financial transactions, such as banking and selling or trading stocks online. What is your level of Internet interaction? For what do you use the Internet? What Internet tools and applications would you like to see developed in the future? How would those tools make your life easier and more enjoyable?

2.   Chapter 3 discusses instant messaging services that enable you to have real-time online conversations with friends and family: including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), a form of voice-based Internet communication that turns a standard Internet connection into a means to place phone calls, including long-distance calls; chat rooms, a form of synchronous communication in which online conversations occur in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room; and Web 2.0, a new trend of web interactions among people, software, and data. With which of these are you personally familiar? Do you routinely use any of these ways to communicate over the Internet? Why or why not? What are some advantages and disadvantages of these forms of communication?

CHAPTER 3: Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Web Project 1: Web Analytics

Many businesses use web pages to attract customers. Wouldn’t it be valuable to monitor and track traffic to your company’s site? Web analytics can provide such information and more. The downside is that it might be done without the visitor’s knowledge or permission. Using the Internet, locate and research web analytics. Can you find three different companies offering this service? What information do they provide? How might a business benefit from this data? Do you feel it is a breach of privacy? Why or why not? Write a sentence or two answering the previous questions. Be sure to list the URLs.

CHAPTER 3: Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Web Project 2: Cloud Printing

You are used to printing from your PC, but have you ever thought it would be useful to get a hard copy from your mobile device? Now you can with cloud printing. Using the Internet, search for information on cloud printing. Write a sentence or two that describes what you find. What are the advantages? Are there any disadvantages? List some brands of cloud-ready printers. Will you personally begin using this option? Why or why not?

CHAPTER 3: Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Web Project 3: Netiquette

Rules of etiquette, or netiquette, govern online behavior. For instance, typing in all capital letters does not make text easier to read. Instead, it indicates emphasis or “shouting.” Keep in mind that it is also difficult to convey emotion electronically and the reader can misinterpret your message. Emoticons are one way the sender can try to express feeling.

Conduct a web search on netiquette and emoticons. Are there differences in the way you conduct yourself when e-mailing, texting, or IMing? What if you are using these tools in a business environment? Write a sentence or two on what you learn. Show five emoticons and their meaning.

CHAPTER 3: Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Web’s Resources

Web Project 4: Getting Answers to Your Questions

Chapter 3 mentioned that many search engines have automated spiders that crawl websites and collect data for indexing. Subject directories, such as Yahoo!, use humans to collect and organize websites. Let’s say you want a real person to answer your question. Check out You can ask a question from your PC or through your mobile phone.

Come up with a simple question. Pose that same question using a search engine, a subject directory, and a site featuring real people. Document the results. Did you get the same answer? Are all of the answers valid? How much time did it take to get an answer? Which method will be your first choice next time you need information?


Application Software:
Programs That Let You Work and Play

Discussion Questions

1.   List some popular productivity software programs in use today.

  • Discuss the correct way to uninstall software. What happens if you don’t follow correct uninstall procedures?

CHAPTER 4: Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play

Web Project 2: Gaming Software

Video games can be played on personal computers. These computer games are a popular form of entertainment software and often have high-end graphics that require the latest hardware and extensive system resources. Additionally, a specialized game controller might be needed. Once computer games are opened, they cannot be returned. Be sure to do your research before heading to the store to make a purchase.

Conduct a web search for three popular computer games. Provide a brief description. List the system requirements as well as any special controllers needed. State whether or not the game can be downloaded and the price.

Record your findings in a sentence or two. Be sure to include the URLs for the websites you visit.

CHAPTER 4: Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play

Web Project 3: Collaborative Software defines collaborative software as programs that help people work together collectively while located remotely from each other. Your book mentions Google Docs and Microsoft Office Web Apps. There are many free collaboration tools available, but are they any good? Use a search engine to find two programs to facilitate web-based collaboration. Locate a review for each product or work with a classmate to test them. Write a sentence or two that compares and contrasts the applications and include answers to the following questions:

  1. What does it do well?
  2. What does it not do well?
  3. What features are available (e.g., file sharing, whiteboards, chat, video conferencing, etc.)?

CHAPTER 4: Application Software: Programs That Let You Work and Play

Web Project 4: Using Microsoft Office to Organize Your Life

One of the reasons we have computers at home is to make life easier by tackling everyday tasks. You can use it to keep your budget, write and send letters, or keep track of school events.

In this project, you search for predesigned templates that you can download to help you organize your life.

  1. Budgets
  2. Letters
  3. Calendars

Discuss what templates could be downloaded for creating a budget for your household; a personal letter of your choice; and a calendar showing your homework, family events, cleaning, or work schedule.  URL is sufficient.

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