Solved: Making Data-Driven Decisions


Performance Review Case Study – HR

Imagine you work in the HR department of a large company. Your supervisor is interested in the mean annual performance review scores for all the employees in the sales department.  The performance review scores range from 1 to 5, with 5 being exceptional and 1 being unacceptable.  They have been asked by the CEO to examine the performance review scores to determine if the mean is above 3.5, because limited funds are available for raises. Your supervisor wants to determine if this is correct and has asked you to investigate. 

You randomly sample 30 annual performance reviews and record the scores. The results of your sample and your calculations are shown in the Excel file provided in the assignment instructions in Canvas. 


Using the data from the Case Study (above) and the Calculation Worksheet (Excel file), complete the following:

  1. Construct a box-and-whisker plot for the performance review scores. Copy each of the values needed to construct a box-and-whisker plot from the Excel worksheet provided and enter those numbers below.
MinimumMaximumQuarter 1 (Median of first half of the data set)Quarter 2 (Median of data set)  Quarter 3 (Median of second half of the data set)

Create the box-and-whisker plot in Excel and include a screen shot of the box-and-whisker plot below.

  • Copy the sample mean, median, and standard deviation of the performance review scores from the provided Excel Worksheet and enter those below.
MeanMedianStandard Deviation
  • Copy the 95% Confidence Interval of the performance review scores from the Excel Worksheet provided and enter that below.
Lower LimitUpper Limit
  • Conduct a hypothesis test to verify if the claim that the performance review scores is greater than 3.5 is supported. Use the results from the hypothesis test in the Excel worksheet provided to fill in the table below. Clearly state the logic of your test, the calculations, and the conclusion of your test.
Null Hypothesis ( 
Alternative Hypothesis ( 
What type of Test Statistic did you use and why? 
Value of Test Statistic 
Critical Value 
Conclusion: Is the claim supported? Why or why not? 
  • Evaluate the results of the hypothesis test and communicate the suggested solutions based on those results. (This section should be at least 1 page in length). Provide the following discussion based on the conclusion of your test: 
  • Provide a detailed explanation to your supervisor of how the results address the concern.
  • What is your suggested solution based on the results?
  • What decisions should be made based on the results? What should the next steps be?

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