Solved: SBAR Patient Encounter Form


SBAR Patient Encounter Form

Clinical Experience Date:  ___________
Total Clinical Hours Completed to Date 
Description of Observations and Tasks During the Clinical Experience 
Learner Reflection on Clinical Experience 
SBAR Complete the “SBAR” related to a patient you have assessed during your clinical experience. Include the reason that the patient is being assessed, the background of current health status, your assessment findings, and a possible recommendation based on the assessment. 
Situation (The exact circumstances of the situation explained.)                   
Background (Presents essential information related to the situation. This information should pertain only to the current patient situation.)               
Assessment (Objective statements based on the situation and background information.)                   
Recommendation (Include a recommendation for resolving the issue based on the situation, background, and assessment.)               
Educational Plan: (Include a suggestion for an educational plan to address one aspect of the patient’s care.  Include recommendations based on evidence-based guidelines/research related to a specific patient finding.) 


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