



(Part 1) Create a Character Journal, ending with an Obituary, writing from only one of the doomed character’s perspective (4-6 pages): NOTE: This choice has two (2) parts!

Make a character journal writing from only one person’s view point. You should have at least 5 entries. This will include an entry from the day before the play starts. This will set the scene. Then, in the journal write about how all the events within the play unfold. Keep in mind, in the journal you are only in one character’s mind, or perspective. This means Juliet doesn’t know Romeo until she meets him at the party. Your journal needs to end with the death of the character. And then you write the Obituary at the end. (That is part 2 of this project).
(Part 2) Write an Obituary for your character after the journal entries identifying her or his death in Romeo and Juliet.
In Obituaries one needs to include all the pertinent information: Full name of the decease; Dates and locations of birth, marriage, and death; Cause of death; Predeceased and surviving loved ones’ names; Schools attended or Military service (if known); Place of employment and position held; Membership in organizations (for example, civic, fraternal, place of worship, House of Capulet or Montague); hobbies and other interests. For more on how to write obituaries, look at a newspaper.

Write Newspaper Articles (4-6 pages)
You work for the Verona Gossip. Write Newspaper articles for at least five (5) of the important events surrounding the characters in the play. This would include things like the initial fight, Capulet’s party, Mercutio’s Death, Tybalt’s death, Juliet’s death, Juliet’s rebirth and death again, and of course, Paris and Romeo’s death. Keep in mind that as a reporter you are supposed to be completely ambivalent. This means you can’t take sides, you are merely reporting the facts. That said, make sure the facts are correct! Since they are a Newspaper article, assume each one is front page, so follow a front page format. This means you have to have the date the paper was published, the title, bylines, tags under the pictures, picture, etc. In short, it should look like the front page of a paper.

Rewrite the Play for a 5 minute film . (6-7 pages)
You will rewrite the play in script format. Feel free to modernize the language. Follow the script format that is provided. Make sure that you follow the correct format in terms of Characters (set at 3 inches), Dialogue (set at 1 inch) Action (Set at 1 inch) and parentheticals (set at 2 inches). Watch the video provided for ideas to help. However, do not copy their play! This assignment looks a bit longer (and can page requirements are more) because the formatting is stretched out. Follow the format that is attached.

This page is off limits. Names, dates and other direct similarities will be considered when grading the obituaries:

Here is an Obituary:

Notice the names: Emelia and Claudio Fulbourne. Also notice that they say he has a brother Valentine. These are made-up names. So, don’t use such direct “similarities.”

script writing/ play format
Title and Author: It starts with the Title and Author (IN BOLD AND ALL CAP) at 3 inches.
To put a Tab in at 3 inches, put your cursor below the 3 and left click (or tap the pad) to put in a “Add left tab-stop.”
If you have already started typing on the page hit Ctrl + A to select the whole document.
Character Names: They are above the Dialogue. They are also at 3 inches, and they are CAPITALIZED.
Setting, At Rise, and Action: This starts at 1 inch.
The Setting: Where this play/commercial is taking place.
At Rise: What is happening when the play/commercial first starts.
Action: Any extensive action that breaks the dialog is italicized and the character’s names and places are ALL CAP in the action.
Dialog: It is set at 1 inch. Write what the people say!
Parentheticals: (This is what is in parenthesis.) They are Very Brief interludes of feelings, actions, or something going on. They are set at 2 inches.
Spacing: In Dialogue it is single space. Between that, Double Spaced. See the Example. Imitate the format.
Page Numbers: Centered and at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: You can only write what the audience SEES or HEAR

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