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Leadership Book Analysis and Synthesis Worksheet
During the resident phase you and fellow classmates will be asked to share your analysis and synthesis of the leader biography. There is not a book list to choose from and this is a military or civilian leader of your own choosing. Be prepared to discuss your reading by answering the following questions and bring this completed document, along with the book, with you on the first day of class.
- What leader did you select and why did you select that person to read about? Mohammad Hatta, the first Prime Minister and Vice President of Indonesia. The reason I selected him because Hatta was well known a leader with a great critical thinking skills.
- What book did you read? Indonesia Free: A Political Biography of Mohammad Hatta by Mavis Rose.
Rose, Mavis. (2010). Indonesia Free: A Political Biography of Mohammad Hatta. New York: Equinox Publishing
- What influential behaviors did this individual demonstrate that others would perceive as authentic and sincere?
His leadership style that emphasized in mentoring.
- How might this individual have been seen as one who “served honorably”?
Hatta was a man who devoted his entire life to principle of social and economic betterment for the people of Indonesia, even after his resignation as Vice President. The issue of Indonesian freedom overshadowed all other aspects of his life. Indonesian freedom meant more to Hatta than the attainment of national sovereignty, it demanded an element of social reform. Hatta called his concept of democracy as kedaulatan rakyat, people’s sovereignty.
- Army professionals earn and sustain trust by demonstrating character, competence, and How would you describe the individual you read about in regards to these three components?
Hatta developed character through education, experience and reflection. He was a strong supporter of cooperative systems, and he rose to prominence as a leader through his organizational abilities, his drive, his creative thinking and provocative writings. He laid great stress on political education through the use of cadres and party newspapers. His cool level headedness, his ability to plan carefully and act shrewdly impressed his fellows. He was the most effective and dedicated leader the Indonesian Association had had to date, and his depth of economic and political analysis in his writings had brought prestige, upgrading the association from a social club to a major force in the Indonesian nationalist movement. Hatta did play a significant role in the founding of Indonesia and in drawing attention to the needs and oppression of its people. He was undoubtedly a statesman of highest caliber who prepared to sacrifice personal ambition, wealth, and high office for his ideals. Without Hatta’s steadying influence and dedication to a principle rather than to personal ambition, the President’s political performance deteriorated and Sukarno regime ended in political and economic disaster.
- What leadership lessons did you learn from reading this book?
Hatta was able to maintain an ethical climate that supports development of such a character. He did the right thing for the right reason and with the right intention. He dedicated and valued his principles. I also learned about his discipline, integrity and his leadership style that emphasized in mentoring.
- How will you apply your leadership lessons learned?
I will apply my leadership lessons learned by setting the example in both normal and exceptional activities. Leaders should shape others’ character advancement and support them through role modeling, teaching/training, and mentoring/ coaching. Army leaders offer to build a climate in which subordinates and organizations can achieve their full potential. Collectively, these actions promote organizational excellence.
- How might others benefit from your analysis and synthesis?
Hatta devoted his life to the development of others. I hope his biography inspired others as it did for me. I am a firm believer of leaders must be committed to the development of others.
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