Solved: Discussion 6


Before writing your initial discussion post, you should review the assigned readings and videos from Module 6. Next, write an original post addressing the following questions about Leader-Member Exchange Theory. Which of the nine key problem-solving skills are the most important for your career or the one you are planning to enter? Briefly explain your answer. How can leadership skills (technical, human, and conceptual) be used and expressed online? How does LMX theory challenge a fundamental assumption common to prior approaches? In what ways has technology use enhanced or hindered your working relationship with a leader or follower? For example, texting (instead of phoning), use of social media sites (instead of in-person conversation), and so on.

Leader-Member Exchange Theory Discussion

  • Address questions about Leader-Member Exchange Theory
  • Review assigned readings and videos from Module 6
  • Discuss the importance of problem-solving skills for your career
  • Explore the use and expression of leadership skills online
  • Examine how LMX theory challenges fundamental assumptions
  • Reflect on how technology has enhanced or hindered working relationships
  • Access reading materials on using provided login credentials
  1. Leadership: Theory and Practice, 9E. Northouse.
    1. Read Chapter 3: Skills Approach

Chapter 3 focuses on the skills approach to leadership and the three-skill approach: technical, human, and conceptual skills. Review Figure 3.1 – Management Skills Necessary at Various Levels of the Organization to understand the level of the three-skill approach needed at the different levels of the organization. The skills model and its development are highlighted in this chapter. Figure 3.2 – Influence of Leader Characteristics on Leader Performance visually represents the five components of the skills model: career experiences, individual attributes, competencies, leadership outcomes, and environmental influences and the relationship between these components. The chapter addresses each element of the skills model. It highlights the subcomponent of problem-solving in the competency component by visually representing the nine skills of problem-solving and the interaction of the skills in Figure 3.3 – Hypothetical Relationships Between Problem-Solving Skills. In addition, you will learn how the skills approach works, its strengths, criticisms, and application. .

  • Read Chapter 7: Leader–Member Exchange Theory

Chapter 7 focuses on the Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory. Review Figure 7.1 – Dimensions of Leadership, which shows the dyadic relationship between leaders and followers. In addition, you will read about the development of LMX through a review of its early and later studies. The early studies section is addressed in Figure 7.4 – In-Groups and Out-Groups. In the later studies section, leadership development is discussed in Table 7.1 – Phases in Leadership Development, which shows how high-quality leader-member relationships develop progressively over time, as well as emotions and LMX development in Table 7.2 – Affective Processes and LMX Development, which delineates that leaders and followers experience different emotional or affective processes as they move through three stages: role taking, role making, and role routinization. The later part of the chapter addresses how LMX theory works, its strengths, its criticisms, and its application.

This video looks at what skills leaders might have, the skills approach to leadership, and the three types of skill sets needed: human skills, technical skills, and conceptual skills. In addition, the author differentiates between skills and trait approaches.

Leader-Member Exchange Theory is explored along with how it has evolved over the years. In addition, the author briefly explains in-groups and out-groups in this theory.

This video examines what is unique about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory. It discusses the special feature that occurs when a leader reinforces a follower when they step out of their scripted role and the impact of empowering a follower.

  • Watch Using LMX. Sage Publications [1:01 minutes] 

The primary purpose of this video is to address what happens when a leader uses LMX. In addition, the author briefly explains how you create high-quality relationships with all your employees.

In this video, the author talks about how to deal with out-group members, the leader’s responsibility to include everyone, and the importance of empowering the voices of this group.

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