Basic income




Please submit your second essay (Annotated Bibliography) here. Please submit in MLA format, in .doc, .docx, or .pdf file format, after carefully proofreading and revising your work. Don’t forget to review the example.

2 Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet.docx

acAnnotated Bibliography Assignment



  • To gather and summarize information about a topic you are researching into one document
  • To create a quick reference sheet which will remind you of what your various sources argued and how they are useful to your project
  • To preserve a record of research about your topic which may be shared with others in your field



  • Yourself, in that the document will help you in your own writing and research
  • Others in your field (peers) who might be interested in reading an overview of the topic you researched. Annotated bibliographies are often shared with research communities in your field. For this reason, clarity, professionalism and neatness are important in an annotated bibliography.


Assignment and Format:

  • Using your Double Entry Journal work, research notes, readings, and any other research materials you need, make a works cited list in MLA format of the FIVE most relevant sources you’ve found on your topic
  • Then, beneath each citation, write two paragraphs:
    • 1) summarizing the article’s main ideas
    • 2) evaluating the value of the source


  • Organization:
    • While Annotated Bibliographies can be organized in a number of ways, please organize your entries alphabetically.


  • Content of Paragraphs
  • Summary may include: 1) an opening sentence naming the author and alluding to who they are or what type of source this is, 2) the thesis/argument/ purpose of the source (may also be in the first sentence) 3) A summary of their logical progression: how do they get from a to b? 4) The best examples or evidence provided for the argument. 5) The author’s conclusion, which will probably include a suggestion of some sort. Length should be about 7-10 sentences.


  • Evaluation may include: Your critique of the article. 1) What kind of source is it? An encyclopedia entry, biography, article, etc.? 2) Is the author a credible/authoritative source and why? 2) What is the structure of the source? How does the author organize/present his/her information? 6) Be sure to point out holes in all of the above categories as you see them. Length should be about 5-7 sentences.



Should you have any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to ask!!

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