Argumentative Essay on Hunting in a modern world




*4 of the referances need to be Pro-Hunting 1 needs to be against hunting* Purpose: To explain the theory and rhetorical principles underlying effective arguments. To write an argument that offers reasons and evidence in support of your position while also summarizing and responding to opposing views. For this essay, you will address a thesis question, summarize and analyze the views of at least five writers or sources, and understand what it means to study argumentation. You will examine and demonstrate the meaning of words such as issue, claim, reason, and summary. You will initially ask a question for analysis then create a thesis statement based on that question. The topic you choose should be one that you can take a stance on but one that also has an alternative perspective. You will be required to research both sides of your argument for this essay. Structure: There should be no deviation from this structure. Please refer to the Sample MLA Template sheet in the Handouts module. This essay will contain the sections as outlined below: • Section 1: Introduction (with thesis statement). • Section 2-4: Body paragraphs. This is a section that develops your main synthesis points. This is where your thesis criteria/paragraphs are your body paragraphs. Three thesis criteria = three body paragraphs. • Section 5: Summary of opposing view. This is where you summarize what your opposing view has to say about your topic. Remember that a summary is without bias and opinion. Simply summarize. • Section 6: Response to opposing view. This is the paragraph where you can refute what the opposing view states about your topic. Essentially, you’re trying to bring the reader back to your side of the argument. Show why the opposing view is the “wrong” view. • Section 7: Conclusion. At minimum, re-state your thesis statement, summarize your main points, and have a powerful “mic drop” moment or a call to action. Your essay should also contain a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page. You are required to have a minimum of five credible, reliable sources where one of those sources is of the alternative perspective. You are encouraged to have additional resources if it helps your argument. Remember that if you have a source listed in the Works Cited page, it must be present as an in-text citation in the body of the essay and vice versa. Audience: You are writing for a formal academic audience who wants to examine your point of view, the alternative point of view, and your stance on the argument behind your topic. Logistics: • Double-spaced, titled, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, MLA formatting. • 10-12 full pages of writing including Works Cited page. • Follow the Sample MLA Template located in the Handouts module. • The classical essay must contain a minimum of five sources. • Academic language will be used throughout this essay. Strive for “higher language” and remember that this is a professional, academic, focused piece of writing, not a conversation with a classmate. Your language should reflect this philosophy (think the Morgan Freeman Effect). o Omit 1st and 2nd person statements. o Omit slang, jargon, casual, conversational, or curse words. o Omit questions from academic writing.

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