the roman republic




Directions: You are to write a formal essay of between four to five pages in length in which you address one of the topic questions listed below. 1. Pick one of the civilization from the 2nd wave period of world history. Discuss the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of that civilization. You will need to describe the origin of the civilization and how and why it declined. You will need to use four sources. These should be books (they may be ebooks) or journal articles. Check the library to see if they have access to databases such as JSTOR. If you use a source that is a web link then please check with me first so that I can review that source to make sure it will be appropriate for this assignment. Note, your textbook cannot be a source nor can encyclopedias. Format: In addition to the length of the essay it must follow one of two formatting systems, APA or MLA. It does not matter to me which one you choose but you have to choose one of them and stick with that format throughout the essay. As a formal essay your essay will need to have the following elements, I. An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement II. Body paragraphs to support each main point that you will discuss about the civilizations you choose III. A concluding paragraph in which you sum up the key points in your paper and articulate how what you have said supports your thesis. IV. A Works Cited (or if using APA a Reference) page. You will want to make sure you cite the sources you use in your essay using parenthetical citations in the text of your prose. Any specific information you get from a source, any quotes from a source, any paraphrase of material from a source you make, must be cited. It also needs to be a full 4 pages. thank you

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