Solved: Determine and plot the response of a closed – loop proportional ( 𝑃 ) control system for 𝐾 𝑐 = 5 , 1 0 , 2 0 , and 1 0 0 for a disturbance of 5 ° 𝐶




a) Determine and plot the response of a closed-loop proportional (𝑃) control system for 𝐾𝑐=5,10,20, and 100 for a disturbance of 5°𝐶 (i. e feed temperature increases by 5𝐶 from 60 to 65𝐶 ). Determine the offset for each value of 𝐾𝑐 and plot the relation (you can use Excel/Matlab/Simulink). Comment on the results
b) Determine and plot the response (you can use Excel/Matlab/Simulink) of a closedloop proportional Integral (PI) control system for 𝐾𝑐=5,10,20, and 100 for a disturbance of 5°𝐶 (i.e., the feed temperature increases by 5°𝐶 from 60 to 65°𝐶 ). Use a value of 2min for 𝜏1. Comment on the results
(c) Repeat part ( b ), using a constant value of 20 for 𝐾𝑐 and values of 1, 2, 5, and 10 min for 𝜏1. Comment on the results . please use excel with clearly mentioning the parts a) b) and c) with the graphs obtained for each. PLEASE DO NOT USE AI.

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