Solved: Gravitational Diagram


Find a picture from a media source (movies, TV, comics, video games, etc.) that takes place in outer space. Place the picture in the following diagram template and reference the image using APA format.


Note: Please ignore any science fiction, fantasy, or magic when determining where the notations go. Use only your physical science knowledge from the course notes. If anything is unclear in the image and you feel further explanation is needed, you may use the boxes in the key to clarify.

Open your diagram template and do the following:

1. Move and resize the red circle so that it is around the object in your diagram that warps spacetime the most due to its mass and label it in the key.

2. Move and resize the green circle so that it is around the object in your diagram that warps spacetime the least due to its mass and label it in the key.

3. Select one object in the picture that is in motion. Move, resize, and rotate the yellow arrows to show the path you predict that object will take due to nearby gravitational forces.

4. By moving and resizing the red rectangle, highlight an area where it would be reasonable to believe that dark matter may be concentrated.

5. Save your diagram as a PDF and upload the filled-in PowerPoint template

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