


MUST HAVE READ HANDMAIDS TALE Topic: How do the various forms of communication in the HMT reinforce the idea of power in words? The power to suppress, the power to have hope etc… CONFIRM WITH ME IF THIS TOPIC IS GOOD TO TALK ABOUT THE LANGUAGE BEFORE YOU START WRITING. GIVING ME AN OUTLINE OF WHAT YOU WILL WRITE BEFORE YOU START. THAT WAY WE DONT WASTE TIME You need to write the best essay you ever had. I have attached an essay that is an example. I need the first paragraph (intro) to end to be enticing and the thesis statement should be the last sentence of the intro. The thesis statement should be concise and be only one sentence. Make sure you have the three points that you will talk about in the thesis statement. You should do 5 paragraphs but 5 parts. What I mean is have and intro (1 paragraph) and conclusion(1 paragraph) and then 3 supporting arguments the body paragraph which can be any amount of paragraphs as long as they support the thesis. Must use quotes from secondary sources to support your points in the body paragraph. Make everything adroit and use very very high vocabulary. You can talk about the various forms of communication supports the theme of power in words: definitely use those words Offred finds at the bottom of a closet etc.. Make this a stunning essay, please. I want to be wowed and likewise my professor

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