Solved: Assignment for Paper 3 (Rogerian Model)



Paper 3 Final Draft

Assignment for Paper 3 (Rogerian Model)

Choosing a Topic

The topic of your paper will be a controversial issue that is somehow personally related to you. However, there are some overused topics that will not be permitted.

This paper may NOT address

  1. Abortion ⬅ you may NOT write about this
  2. The death penalty ⬅ you may NOT write about this
  3. School uniforms ⬅ you may NOT write about this
  4. Euthanasia ⬅ you may NOT write about this
  5. Eating disorders (which is the example used throughout this unit) ⬅ you may NOT write about this

Otherwise, you are advised to use the prewriting process to help narrow down your focus. Here are some ideas to help get you started:

  1. Try prewriting about something that makes you angry. Why does it make you angry? How does this issue affect you personally? (If it doesn’t affect your life in some way, move on, as part of the paper is about your personal connection to the topic.)
  2. Try prewriting about an argument or dispute you have had in the past. (It could be with a relative, a co-worker, an institution, etc.) What was the nature of the dispute, and how could that relate to a society-wide controversy?

Important Guidelines

  1. Make sure this is a different topic than you used for Paper 1.
  2. Make sure this is a topic with two legitimate sides. If you oppose, say, racism, then your opponents are racist. However, racists do not have a legitimate argument (hate and discrimination should not be validated in the way that a Rogerian argument validates the other side). Instead, you would try to find something within the argument that is legitimately an argument (like the recent debate about teaching accurate–as opposed to whitewashed–American history).
  3. If you have friends in the class, make sure to choose a topic that is different. It’s best to be proactive about avoiding any potential for collusion.

Once you think you have narrowed down your topic, you will proceed to the outline portion of the process.

Writing the Rogerian Outline/Paper Structure

Once you have your topic, you will sketch out the main points you want to make. Remember that the goal of a Rogerian argument is to compromise, to earn readers’ trust and treat them with respect. It follows this model:

1) Introduction

  1. Begin with a hook that clarifies your personal connection to the issue. This is likely going to be a story or experience of some sort. You can use first person here, but the rest of the paper will be more objective, in third person.
  2. Summarize the topic/issue and why there is debate.
  3. End with a thesis that reflects your main point, whatever that may be (perhaps it is a compromise, or perhaps it is a need to reach an understanding of the issue)

2) The opposing’s sides views: What do they believe and why? This will be third-person, neutral language.

3) Validation of the opposing side’s views: What parts of what they believe are valid? This will be third-person, neutral language.

4) Our views: What do the people on our side believe and why? This will be third-person, neutral language.

5) Validation of our views: What parts of what we believe are valid? This will be third-person, neutral language.

6) Conclusion: Propose a compromise if possible. If this is not possible, emphasize the need to come to a mutual understanding of the issue for all involved. You may use first person here again if you wish.

Formatting and Mechanics

Use MLA Formatting, as discussed in the lectures.

Quote from the Pro/Con articles correctly in MLA format.

Include a correctly formatted Works Cited page in MLA format.

Make sure that you proofread your paper carefully before turning it in.

The essay MUST be uploaded as a Word document. It will not be graded if it is submitted in another way.


The final draft of this paper should be 8 pages long, not including the Works Cited page. This means that at minimum, your paper should hit the bottom of page 8, with the Works Cited page following whichever page you end on. Anything less is an incomplete paper.

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