Solved: Heavenly Chocolates manufactures and sells quality chocolate products at its plant and retail store located in Saratoga Springs, New York. As an associate in the Online Sales and Marketing department at Heavenly Chocolates, it is your responsibility to review and analyze online sales data in order to help the firm make better decisions in the future. Website sales have exceeded expectations, and management is now considering strategies to increase sales even further.




Heavenly Chocolates manufactures and sells quality chocolate products at its plant and retail store located in Saratoga Springs, New York. As an associate in the Online Sales and Marketing department at Heavenly Chocolates, it is your responsibility to review and analyze online sales data in order to help the firm make better decisions in the future. Website sales have exceeded expectations, and management is now considering strategies to increase sales even further.

To learn more about the website customers, you take a random sample of 50 online transactions over the previous month. For each transaction, you collect the day of the week, the type of internet browsers used, the time spent on the website, the number of website pages visited, and the amount of time spent on the website for each of the 50 customers.

The company would like to determine if online shoppers who spend more time and view more pages also spend more money during their visit to the website. The company would also like to investigate the effects that the day of the week and the type of browser have on sales. You must use descriptive statistics and appropriate graphical displays to explain your findings to the executive team.

Using the series of box plots you generated below, you must now formulate a recommendation for the marketing department regarding an upcoming sales promotion. Which option is the best recommendation?

The graph displaying box plots of the distribution of amount spent online at Heavenly Chocolates by day of the week. The horizontal axis labeled Day shows weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The vertical axis labeled AmountSpent in dollars ranges from 0 to 200 dollar. There are seven boxplots in the graph. All seven boxplots don’t have any outliers.

For Monday,

  • The median is marked at 105.
  • The box extends from 55 to 120.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 25.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 160.

For Tuesday,

  • The median is marked at 65.
  • The box extends from 45 to 70.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 40.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 75.

For Wednesday,

  • The median is marked at 50.
  • The box extends from 35 to 70.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 30.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 95.

For Thursday,

  • The median is marked at 55.
  • The box extends from 40 to 80.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 20.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 90.

For Friday,

  • The median is marked at 70.
  • The box extends from 60 to 100.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 50.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 150.

For Saturday,

  • The median is marked at 55.
  • The box extends from 40 to 65.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum at 25.
  • The upper whisker has a maximum at 75.

For Sunday,

  • The median is marked at 40.
  • The box extends from 39 to 45.
  • The lower whisker has a minimum a

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