



The Subject for this order is MANAGEMENT. I have uploaded the chapter needed for the answer to the question please answer the questions base on the materials i have provided.

CHAPTER 2 Question 1 What do the terms business ethics and social responsibility mean? Why are they important components of a company ‘s overall philosophy. Questions 3 What type of ethical dilemma does each of the following illustrate? (A situation might involve more than one dilemma) a. due to a corporate merger, an advertising agency suddenly finds itself representing viral companies. b. A newly hired employee learns that the office manager plays computer games on company time. c. An employee is asked to destroy documents that implicate his or her company in widespread pollution. d. A company spokesperson agrees to give a press conference that puts a positive spin on his or her company’s use of sweatshop labor. Question 9 Identify which equal opportunity law or laws protects workers in the following categories: a. an employee who must care for an elderly parent b.a National Guard member who is returning from deployment overseas. c. a job applicant who is HIV positive. d. a person who is over 40 years old. e a woman who has been sexually harassed on the job. f. a woman with a family history of breast cancer. PROJECTS AND APPLICATIONS Question 2 On your own or with a classmate, visit the website of one of the following companies, or choose another that interest you. On the basis of what you can learn about the company from the site, construct a chart or figure that illustrates example of the firms ethical awareness, ethical education,ethical elections and leadership. Present your findings ti the class. a Instagram b. NFL,NHL,MLB,MLS or any other major professional sports league. c.Gilead Science d. L’Oreal e. Activision f. Costco g. IKEA Question 5 As technology becomes more pervasive, new and complex ethical issues have arisen in the workplace. Which have contributed to ethical and some legal challenges for employers and employees. Consider the action of transmitting confidential or proprietary company data, for example. With a classmate or alone come up with a list of ways technology affected or compromised ethics at work, school or home. .


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