Cause and Effect Essay




Essay #4: Cause and effect Cause and effect essay (Read chapter 18 to prepare for essay.) Write a cause and effect essay on one of the following topics: •If you have chosen a major or program of study, explain the factors behind your decision. How do you think this choice will shape your future? •Why do some people stay in college while others drop out? Write about the causes of this occurrence. •Think of a possession that has great personal meaning for you. Then, write about why you value the possession and give examples of its importance in your life. •Try to fill in this blank: _____________ changed my life. Your response can be an event, an interaction with a particular person, or anything significant to you. It can be something positive or negative. After you fill in the blank, explain how and why this event, interaction, or time had so much significance. •What change have you made in your life (it can be personal, athletic, academic, financial, or something else). What are the effects that have come about because of this change? Provide details and examples to support your point. Remember the four basics of cause and effects. The main point reflects the writer’s purpose—to explain causes, effects, or both. In addition, if the purpose is to explain causes, it gives real causes, not just things that happened before. For example, just because you ate a hot dog before you got a speeding ticket does not mean that the hot dog caused the ticket. However, if the purpose is to explain effects, it gives real effects, not just thing that happened after. For example, getting a speeding ticket was not the effect of eating the hot dog; it simply happened after you ate the hot dog. Finally, the cause and effect essay gives readers detailed examples or explanations of the causes and/or effects. For this essay, focus on either causes or effects, not both. This action will help you focus on effective organization of details so that you don’t confuse the reader or yourself. Pay attention to pages 471-476 to help you write a successful cause and effect essay. Use the tool below to upload your final draft. Be sure that your final draft is in MLA format.

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