




  1. Review and analyze a social justice topic we have reviewed and discussed in the course, address a topic from the D2L unit section or choose from the list below. If you wish to address a different topic, it must be approved by me first.
  2. You must choose a social justice topic (race, poverty, privilege, gender, etc.) discussed in class and analyze at least THREE different readings and/or videos listed in the course unit and/or research you have discovered and analyzed on your own.
  3. Any references cited must be scholarly sources. I recommend you research a variety of ideas and opinions on your topic.
  4. You must have a specific thesis statemente. choose a general topic, research it and take a stance (thesis statement) about the issue and thoroughly analyze and review it in your essay.

In your essay, you must answer the following questions:

  • What argument is/are the author(s) trying to make? (Hint: reference examples of ethos, pathos and logos).
  • How does the research about this topic relate to aspects of diversity, power, opportunity, and/or cultural influence? Be specific.
  • In what ways is the argument persuasive or not to you? Explain your answer with specific details.
  • What do you think the author failed to consider about the issue? Explain your answer with specific details.
  • Where do you agree/disagree with the author? Explain your answer with specific details.
  • What strikes you as particularly interesting, curious, insightful, irritating, etc. about the issue? Explain your answer with specific details.
  • Reflect on your view of the issue. What do you think about this issue now that you have studied and read opposing sides?
  • How would you present and argue this issue with others? Explain your answer with specific details.

Written Assignment Requirements:

Your essay must a minimum of a full FOUR typed pages, double-spaced, in a plain font, 12 pitch.   Remember the elements that make a good essay – thesis, purpose, audience, evidence and structure.  You must use evidence from the text or outside resources to back up your assertions.  You must include a works cited page and use at least three parenthetical citations in your essay and the sources must be from a minimum of three different sources (ex. Do not use evidence from one primary source).  Be sure to use MLA format in your paper.  Be direct, concise and unified in your essay. BE SPECIFIC AND DETAILED.  Your final paper must be submitted to turnitin.com by the final submission date.

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