1. Question 13 PointsHow did political abolitionists use the system to fight slavery?By encouraging slaves and free blacks to refuse to workBy trying to influence votersBy bringing lawsuits against slave-ownersBy encouraging ministers to deliver abolitionist sermons
  2. Question 23 PointsWith which movement did the perfectionist reform of the early nineteenth century Christian revivalists have its greatest success?AbolitionismLabor reformTemperancePrison reform
  3. Question 33 PointsIn 1836 Congress passed the gag rule, which: forbid discussion of antislavery petitions in the House of Representativesprevented escaped slaves from speaking in publicbarred women abolitionists from speaking in publicauthorized the return of escaped slaves to their former owners
  4. Question 43 PointsWhich of the following posed challenges to traditional bonds of authority during the first half of the 19th century? The market revolutionWestern expansionEuropean immigration All answers are correct
  5. Question 53 PointsWhat was the aim of the colonizationist movement?Create a utopian community where freedmen and whites could coexistEstablish colonies for United States citizens in South America and the CaribbeanTo ship black freedmen to a colony in West AfricaTo send Americans to colonize Asia
  6. Question 63 PointsThe Anti-Masons Political Party, founded in 1828, did not make a major impact, because it:was created as a reaction to the growing influence of secret groups like the Masonssupported Andrew Jackson and helped carry Northern states for his 1828 presidential campaignsupported National Republican candidates such as Henry Clay and Daniel Websterevolved into the modern Democratic party
  7. Question 73 PointsWhen the Election of 1824 deadlocked and went to the House of Representatives, Henry Clay pushed for John Quincy Adams to be chosen as president. Adams later offered Clay the position of secretary of state. Andrew Jackson termed this arrangement:The “corrupt bargain””Judas’ 30 pieces of silver”The “apple of gold””White man’s democrat”
  8. Question 83 PointsThe “Petticoat Affair” which involved Peggy Eaton:led to Andrew and Rachel Jackson’s divorceled to Peggy’s divorce from her husband John Eatonboosted Martin Van Buren’s influence in Jackson’s administrationimproved the relationship between Jackson and his vice president John C. Calhoun
  9. Question 93 PointsAfter the “Tariff of Abominations” was approved by Congress in 1828, Vice President John C. Calhoun published the Exposition and Protest which stated:Congress restricted tariff duties at 20%a state convention could write new federal lawslaws passed by the federal government could be rejected by the stateslaws passed by the federal government should be accepted by the states
  10. Question 103 PointsAlong with Andrew Jackson, the politician most responsible for the creation and consolidation of the Democratic Party was:Martin Van BurenJohn TylerHenry ClayDeWitt Clinton


Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. By trying to influence voters
  2. Temperance
  3. Forbid discussion of antislavery petitions in the House of Representatives
  4. All answers are correct
  5. To ship black freedmen to a colony in West Africa
  6. Supported National Republican candidates such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster
  7. The “corrupt bargain”
  8. Boosted Martin Van Buren’s influence in Jackson’s administration
  9. Laws passed by the federal government could be rejected by the states
  10. Martin Van Buren

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