solved: ACC 170 Final Project – (35%)Assignment Description


ACC 170 Final Project – (35%)Assignment Description Students can choose to submit the final project in the following formats: Video submission In class presentation on April 19. Zoom/office appointment with your instructor.Part 1: Choose two…

Solved: Project 3 Final Project – Project Sheet


Course Learning Outcomes:● Apply simple design principles to digital designed assets● Use template-driven software to create mockups and marketing materials using design based practices to meet the clients needs● Use documentation briefs, rationales to describe…

Solved: CLAVIL WRAD Regression and Finance


The intention with this presentation is that you get familiarize with current internationaleconomics issues, and help to the rest of the class to understand them. To do so, you need tofocus on explaining: What is…

Solved: Final paper: Operations and information Management


This task involves developing a more comprehensive final paper from an already developed mid term paper. Read the task bellow and find attached file. Assessment task details and instructions AlphaCo is a medium-sized company that…

Solved: Film Review


SM's Final Paper Hot Tips: Your paper will need to have: A stylistic/formal element A defined pattern A proposed function An argument about how the element’s pattern functions throughout the narrative structure of the film…

Solved: Book Project


Part 1  Read one (1) children's book that can be used in your thematic unit and include the following information:  the appropriate grade level; the social-studies theme(s) addressed by the topic; a picture of the…

Solved: Compare and contrast essay


How to write an excellent individual paper?1- CHOOSE TWO or THREE films from the list of films available and compare them. Choose your films from at least TWO different national cinemas (ex. Algerian and Palestinian;…