Solved: implementation of appropriate data structures and algorithms


5SENG003W Algorithms – Coursework (2023/24)Module leader Klaus DraegerUnit CourseworkWeighting: 50%Qualifying mark 30%Description Solving sliding puzzles using path findingLearning OutcomesCovered in thisAssignment:This assignment contributes towards the following Learning Outcomes (LOs): LO2: Be able to apply the…

Solved: international financial lawSolved:


Has to be 2500 words maximum - 10% under which is 2250 so somewhere in between 2250-2500 words   Has to be minimum 25 to 35 references  Has to have a wide range of critical evaluation …

Solved: LAW2059 – Alternative Dispute Resolution


Assessment: Summative – Coursework (Portfolio)Please read the following instructions carefully: Type of assessmentThis assessment is a summative assessment. The assessment is a portfolio. Requirements forthe portfolio content are set out at section 7 of this…

Solved: Research Analysis for Strategic PlanningSolved:


Instructions Part 1: Crime Analysis Report Create a crime analysis report that does the following: Identifies a problem in a community. Completes a crime analysis report on the problem with four different analytical components. Part…

Solved: Choose any contemporary domestic or global company


Select 1 of the 3 questions provided (below).  1. Choose any contemporary domestic or global company and go to their website and peruse their information. Conduct a search on the company in peer-reviewed journals and…

Solved: The Case Study Method of Learning


The intent of case study analysis is to gain experience and lessons learned throughvicarious experience rather than through personal involvement. The case analysis beginswith the reviewers putting themselves in the positions of the people described…

Solved: develop risk response measures for the risks identified


Document name: RISK REGISTERVersion: Project title          Building and opening a new Toy4All storeProject initiatorToy4All toy store chain Project Manager Project SponsorDirector of the Projects Department   Risk IDRisk StatementProbabilityImpactPriority (Probability x Impact)Expected Monetary ValueResponse Measures/ Risk OwnerRisk 1Delay in obtaining necessary…

Solved: Balanced Scorecard Template


Part 1 Scorecard Areas Develop 2-3 strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas. Remember to use the SMART method to create your objectives. One example has been provided in each scorecard for…

Solved: marketing check template


SECTION: THE MARKETING PLAN:  Information gathered in Part 1 and the previous section serve as the basis for developing a marketing plan for your product/brand in a target market. How the problems and opportunities that…