Evaluation 2.2



This evaluation aims to test the student’s ability to 

Learning Objective Assessed 

1.3. Investigate the plurality of social and cultural identities, how we socially construct “other” in identity formation and how this results in the privileging of some identities over others.

1.4. Recognize the histories and intersectionality of oppression and privilege for the purpose of developing culturally aware, culturally sensitive and culturally responsive programs and services.

3.3. Outline the narrative of Indigenous relations with Canada and assess the ways in which colonialism, through the continuation of a settler-colonial state, impacts current social justice and equity issues including the residential school system, the 60’s and millennial scoop and Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Children.

Material Covered 


Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Personal Reflection 

This self-assessment tool is designed to explore individual cultural competence. Its purpose is to help you to consider your skills, knowledge, and awareness of yourself in your interactions with others. Its goal is to assist you to recognize what you can do to become more effective in working and living in a diverse environment. 


  • In skills, awareness, and knowledge what areas are you culturally competent? 
  • In skills, awareness, and knowledge in which areas do you need to become more culturally competent? 
  • In what ways do you recognize what you can do to become more culturally competent? 

Explain in a clearly written paragraph of 300-500 words, using examples, details, and evidence from our course learning materials. *Remember to use your own words to demonstrate your understanding of what you have learned. 

Personal Reflection Prompt: Think about your day-to-day experiences and interactions. These can be at home, at school, during your commutes, at work and so on.  

Based on your understanding of Cultural Competency concepts, how can individuals becoming more Culturally Competent create a society that is more inclusive and accepting of diversity? 

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