

Week’s Mindfulness Exercise: breath meditation
Theoretical Background
19 January: Mindfulness Practice – What is it and Where does it come from?
-“Mindfulness”, Kabott-Zinn Reading
Week Mindfulness Exercise: breath meditation
26 January: Mindfulness Practice II- Contemporary & Western Practices & Adaptations- wellness,
psychotherapy & Social Justice contexts
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-Cresswell Reading
-watch: rev. Angel Kyoto: ‘mindfulness as disrupting the injustice within ourselves’:
Week Mindfulness Exercise: Angel Meditation (in video)
2 February: Mindfulness & the body: Reclaiming the body as body
Watch: Sonya Renne Taylor

  • Neimanis, A. (2016). “Introduction” in Bodies of water : posthuman feminist phenomenology.
    Bloomsbury Academic.
    -Weiss Reading
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Body Scan Meditation
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    Mindful Media
    9 February: Mindful of the Body- Consuming Bodies in Consumer Culture
    “Attractive Celebrity and Peer Images on Instagram,” Brown & Tiggemann Reading
    Bhargave & Velasquez, (2020), “Ethics of Attention Economy” Reading
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Body Scan Meditation
    16 February: Mindful of the Environment- EcoMedia
    Eco-Media Literacy Reading, Antonio Lopez (2020)
    [Depending on the weather, we may go outside for this class. Please dress accordingly)
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Nature Meditation
    23 February- Reading Week, No CLASS
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    1 March: Mindful Binging: shifting our focus to consuming archetypes
    -Kelsey (2015), Jung & Archetypes, Reading
  • Kidd (2015), Archetypes vs. Stereotypes Reading
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: 5 Min breath meditation + Write for 5 minutes straight about 1
    8 March: Mindful of Violence & Guest Speaker
    @1pm Carly Jzbec- Current M.A. student and BMS Alumni will speak with us on her further studies
    in Mindfulness & Wellness & Life in Grad School (Bring grad school questions!!)
    Waddell, T. F., Bailey, E., Weber, M., Ivory, J. D., & Downs, E. (2019) Reading
    Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2018). Media Violence and the General Aggression
    Model. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 386–413.
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: body scan Meditation
    15 March: Mindful of Romance
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    To prepare for class:
    Make a list of the lessons you have been taught about romantic & intimate relationships by dominant
    media in your life: tv, film, Instagram, TikTok, Video Games, etc. Also take some time and think about
    how sex is positioned in relationships, in tv shows, in films. Is it about intimacy, power, revenge…how
    is it often written into scripts as a way of avoiding mindful conversation and mindfulness of feelings
    while driving a plot forward? Just write stream of consciously with this topic for five minutes and be
    prepared to share 1 or 2 of the ideas that emerged for you.
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Loving Kindness Meditation
    22 March: Mindful of Celebrity [as celebrity relates to every other topic we’ve discussed!]
  • Baek, Bae & Jang (2013), ‘Social and Parasocial Relationships”
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    Lemons or Lemonade? Beyonce, Killjoy Style, and Neoliberalism.” Women’s Studies in
    Communication, vol. 43, no. 1, 2020, pp. 45-66
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Loving Kindness Meditation
    29 March- Good Friday, University Closed No Classes
    Week Mindfulness Exercise: Loving Kindness Meditation or Breath Meditation or Body Scan
    (optional, depending on when you started your mindfulness practice)
    5 April: Last Class, Reflection, Future Considerations & Partner Debrief Activity
    All materials available on Quercus in Modules and/or links on the syllabus
    Assignments & Evaluation
    Attendance & Participation – 25%
    This is a 4th year seminar. Attendance & Participation are expected and count toward your mark.
    You should come prepared to speak in EVERY class. It is your responsibility to come with ideas &
    thoughts to share in response to the topic we discuss each week.
    You are expected to attend 10/11 in-person classes.
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    If you miss more classes due to illness, you must write a 150 word reflection for that class by
    submitting your document to Iris at the end of the term.
    Attendance will be taken. Please note, attending every class and rarely speaking will get you a 70%
    for this mark in this class. To achieve a higher participation mark, you must actively engage in class
    discussion. Note, because this is an experiential class, you an simply say what the mindfulness
    exercise was like for you that week- and this counts as participating.
    IF you are uncomfortable speaking in class, you may work up to it by providing a written reflection of
    the first 6 classes, 150 words/class, handed into Iris as a single word doc at the tend of the term.
    More will be discussed regarding participation during the 1st & 2nd classes.
    Note on cultivating Equity & Respect in Classroom
    Please note that in all discussions, we make an effort to be respectful of others’ opinions and views
    and always remember that this is a learning community. Ideas and opinions, while often seeming
    concrete, are in fact malleable and elastic. The point of university is to grow in one’s ability to make
    connections between ideas and the world and foster creativity of thought and self-development. We
    are all on journeys of learning and we do our best to be articulate and considerate with our own
    words and to respect and learn from the diversity of thought and experience that university learning
    fosters. We all come from different intersectional backgrounds of gender, ethnicity, age, race, class,
    religion, family structure, etc., and therefore, we all have different ways of viewing the world and are
    able to help each other grow into new ways of seeing & understanding by respecting and learning
    from each other. Please always make an effort to be respectful of others’ experiences & perspectives
    and it goes without saying this is not a space for any discriminatory language be it based in race,
    gender, religion, sexuality or in any other aspect of identity.
    Mindfulness Journal -25% Due: April 8 , 11:59pm
    In addition to our in-class meditations, you are expected to do your mindfulness practice of the week
    4 times/week 10 weeks of the semester, at least 10 minutes/session. You will keep a journal and
    write about your experience each time you meditate in response to the weekly exercise that has been
    given. You can free write, for 250 words, noting what you notice. Or you can write in response to
    some of the prompts below. You are also welcome to respond creatively with images or poems. At
    the end of the course, you will hand in your journal along with a log of dates & times and a 500-700
    word reflection on your overall experience. This final reflection responds to the general questions:
    How, from reflecting my own experience and study, can mindfulness practices impact our media
    habits and ideologies?
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    You are evaluated on how much you engage with reflecting on the practice of meditating, not whether
    or not you are a good or bad meditator. The reflection will be written in the first person and you are
    not required to cite any sources for this. More details regarding evaluation of this assignment will be
    discussed during the semester. Please note, however, these types of reflections are not meant to be
    too personal or to ask you to share that actual thoughts/emotions that emerge during your practice.
    You may do this if you wish, but the assignment is asking you to write about the experience itself, as
    the prompts suggest below. Even if you find you are writing similar reflections sometimes, that is OK,
    the point is to engage in the process of reflecting which is process oriented, not outcome oriented.
    Suggested journal prompts:
    How did meditation go today?
    Does any moment stand out?
    How did this day differ from another day this week or last week?
    If I imagine that no matter what happened in that experience, it was perfect, what does that mean to
    Short Essay-20% Due: February, 2 , 11:59pm
    *You may have an extension on this essay of up to 2 weeks without asking for it; if you choose
    to take an extension and do not hand your essay in by February 2 , you waive have a mark
    back by the drop date.
    Choose one of the themes we are going to discuss- violence, romance, the environment, the body
    and/or celebrity and write a 1,000-1,250 word essay on that theme in the media by researching it.
    This gives you an opportunity to learn about it on your own before we discuss it. You need to choose
    a lens through which to make your essay topic narrow and focused enough to write about it
    effectively in 1000-1250 words. This essay does not need to include a specific ‘mindfulness’ lens. It
    is an opportunity to gain further insight into one of the topics and, hopefully, you will be inclined to
    share of some your research insights when we discuss that topic in class. Include at least 2 scholarly
    sources, APA or MLA. Choose a topic you have NEVER written on before.
    More details will be discussed in class.
    Final Project- 30% Due: April. 12 , 11:59pm
    Option 1
    Engaging the archetypes and our own media consumption
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    Choose a tv or book series or video game that you binge currently or when you were at a different
    stage in your life such as a child or teenager and provide the following 4 parts:
    Part 1: Identify 3 characters in the show and present their archetype/s. Do your research on
    archetypes and choose how you would identify them, noting that most often a character can
    represent more than one archetype. Write 1-2 pages per character/archetype. (Include your sources
    for researching archetypes in your bibliography)
    Part 2: Reflect on which characters you liked the most & the least, and what about their character’s
    archetype in the plot you either resonated with or didn’t- 1-2 pages total.
    Part 3: Take the reflection of part 2 even further with more applied self-reflection. Become mindful of
    how watching those characters spoke to you in some way that resonated with your own archetypal
    development (this is the basis of media psychology & the archetypes)- for instance was the ‘hero’
    teaching you a lesson at a difficult time in your life? Was the ‘outlaw’ representing a bully in the school
    that you wished you could confront? You choose what characters to do an analysis of. 2-3 pages.
    Option 2
    A Research essay on Mindfulness and any aspect of media and/or cultural studies you choose. I
    suggest you approach this essay by formulating a question, for instance, what does mindfulness have
    to teach us collectively about the body? Or How can mindfulness help against racism? Then do
    research in response to your question/topic and through the process of researching, construct your
    1500 words. 12 font, double spaced. At least 6 Scholarly sources. You may include as many nonscholarly sources as you want. MLA or APA.
    Option 3:
    A project of your choice.
    YOU MUST CONSULT with Iris about this idea at least 2 weeks before due date; if you do not
    consult with me 2 weeks before the due date, you must do option 1 or 2!!!
    Academic & Emotional Integrity and Well-being
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    Course Summary:
    Date Details Due
    Fri Feb 2, 2024  Short Essay
    due by 11:59pm
    We are all prone to feeling overwhelmed throughout university life. Especially during this current
    climate, surges of anxiety and depression for ourselves and our loved ones are a reality. Please don’t
    hesitate to take advantage of the resources available to you if you need support. You can book an
    appointment with Nicole Leblanc, our SMC wellness counsellor, by emailing her directly (email
    below). She is excellent. You are also of course always welcome to chat with me. Just send me an
    email and/or sign up for digital office hours. If you need an extension, PLEASE EMAIL ME before the
    due date rather than simply not contacting me until the day the assignment is due or after it was due.
    SMC Wellness:
    There are MANY resources available for emotional & mental wellness support at SMC. Please look
    into to them, make note of them, and use them if at any point during the semester you feel as though
    support could be useful to you. You are always welcome to come chat with me in office hours and/or
    make an appointment if you want help sorting out which option might be best for you.
    Please consult the following link for the University of Toronto Academic Integrity Website. You will
    find a clear discussion of policies regarding plagiarism here:
    Late Penalty Policy:
    4% / day, weekends excluded.
    Students must contact instructor if they wish to submit a late assignment without receiving a penalty.
    I recognize that you have various other identities and responsibilities beyond being a student and that
    life is stressful and full. Please email me at least 4 days in advance if you need to request an
    extension, otherwise you will receive the late penalty. *If you hand your first assignment in late, with
    or without an extension, you waive having a mark returned by the drop date.*

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