Mendel’s experiments and heredity


The topic for week 8 is Mendel’s experiments and heredity.  In this case study you will examine the evolution of cricket stridulation (cricket calls) in the Hawaiian Islands, where a silent, non-stridulating phenotype of Teleogryllus oceanicus has evolved and spread throughout Hawaiian populations in just over a decade. This evolution and spread has been in response to predation by a parasitoid fly that finds crickets to prey upon via their calls. 

You will learn how natural selection works and use simple Mendelian crosses to uncover the genetic mechanism driving the change. You will also be introduced to the most recent development in this evolutionary case study, the appearance of a new phenotype that produces a purr-like call. You will evaluate data that tests the hypothesis that this new call is more attractive to female crickets than the silent phenotype while still avoiding predation by the flies better than the ancestral call type.

?Part A 

Three C’s (Content, Concern, Connection)

Content: Pick something from this case study that stood out to you in some way. It could be something new you learned, something that made you think about this subject in a different way, or something you found interesting. Share the content you chose with the class and explain why you chose it.

Concern, or question: After reviewing this case study, what is one question or concern this content raised in your mind? This could be something that didn’t settle well with you, a question you have for future research or consideration, or something you’d like to know more about. Share this concern with the class and explain why you chose it.

Connection: Why is the content in this case study important? How does it relate to the real world and/or why is this case study important? You could draw upon real world examples like something you read in the news recently, something from your favorite TV show, or any other form of connection between this case study and the importance of its content outside the classroom.

?Part B

Then, from the case study, answer the following questions:

Part I: Answer questions 1, 2, and 3 

Part II: Answer question 4a and 4b

Part III: Answer any 2 questions of choice

Review Parts IV and V

Part VI: Answer questions 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b

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