Hi, I’d like you to write a creative essay based on my Exploratory Creative Draft Essay( A day in the life without coffee) that I’m providing you. My instructor wants us to add “Epiphany” to our essay so I’d like you to think about what “Epiphany” you can use, and add it to the essay. Because this is going to be a real essay instead of an Exploratory Creative Draft Essay so the structure of my Exploratory Creative Draft Essay needs to be changed and it must have a thesis statement and conclusion, unlike my Exploratory Creative Draft Essay. Below is my instructor who provides us that how he wants us to write this essay in order to me his requirement. Please note that I need this essay to be three pages full which means all three pages are full otherwise I will need you to edit it in order to get my approval. ——————————————————————————————————————————– Then this week, we discussed the Epiphany Structure, how a rambling exploratory essay can arrive at a sudden realization, how that can be the structure of an essay as opposed to the boring structure of a thesis-driven essay, and then you just looked at a sample that uses that structure. Now your job is to finish a completed rough draft of your creative essay that includes an epiphany, as well as one or two or of the methods for signaling the epiphany, followed by some kind of conclusion that synthesizes the essay together, wrapping all of the rambling narrative, exposition, sources and the epiphany together in some final thoughts. As you reflect on what you think worked in the student sample we read, how she used her narratives, description and sources, you are welcome to go back and change your exploratory draft after you add your epiphany to it. Do everything you can to make this an exciting exploration of your subject that ends in a revelation, a new thought.
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