American politics




Short Paper Assignment

HIST 231


Students are to choose one of the following topics below and write a 750-word paper. The paper must follow formal research paper conventions with an introduction, a thesis, body and conclusion. Sources must be cited, Chicago style. The paper is due April 26th.  The following standards also apply:

Your paper should briefly introduce your paper’s topic or question and provide a thesis statement. In a paper of this size, your introduction and thesis statement should appear on the first page, in the paper’s first paragraph.

Your paper should show that you reasoned through the evidence in a fair-minded way. In other words, you should state (paraphrase) what your evidence says and not what you wish it said or think it should say. You need to state the evidence fairly, even if you think it wrong or offensive.

Your paper should use evidence to answer the historical question. You need to explain how the evidence answers the question. The easiest way to figure this is to think through your evidence and argument using one or more of the key concepts for this course.

Your paper should briefly explain an implication or limitation of your analysis. For an implication, you might consider how your analysis sheds light on one of the course’s key terms. For a limitation, you might note which key concepts your analysis does not (or cannot) address.

Your paper should develop and organize your thoughts clearly and logically. Outlining is a necessary, but not required, step in writing a well-organized paper.

Your paper should draw a conclusion that addresses the paper’s chief topic or question and that states your answer to the question or your contribution to the topic.



  1. American Politics: What is the difference between direct and representative democracy? Why did Americans choose representative democracy? Was this democracy truly representative in the 18th century? Who was left out in terms of representation? In terms of voting? Why?


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