Analysis of DNA Profiling




For this class, choose one of the following topics, research it, and then write about it.

  • DNA Evidence – DNA has fundamentally changed the way that cases are investigated over the past twenty-five years.  Research and discuss DNA evidence, it’s history, it’s acceptance and the reasons that it still does NOT identify suspects with 100% certainty.
  • Death Investigations and Autopsies – Trace the methodologies of a complete investigative autopsy, including tests that are performed and the meaning of results.  Describe a complete autopsy from beginning to end.
  • O.J. Simpson – Research and describe the O.J. Simpson murder investigation and how that investigation was presented in court.  Describe the possible errors made by the police and the prosecutors, as well as how the defense team took advantage of these problems to end up with a verdict of “not guilty.”

Your paper must be in APA style, including:

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract
  • Not less than five full pages of content nor more than seven pages of content
  • Fully referenced in APA Style, to include in-text citations matched to references on the Reference Page
  • No less than five references nor more than ten references


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