Approaches to Early Childhood Education




  1. Begin your paper with a general discussion of what constructivism emphasizes.


  1. Then address each of the four approaches in terms of how it interprets three particular elements: role of the teacher, role of the child, and role of the environment. For example, with the role of the teacher: “The Montessori approach emphasizes that the teacher is a Directress and so generally does not engage with children as they work individually with activities throughout the day. The focused times for the Directress to engage with the children are….. In contrast, in the Waldorf approach, the teacher engages more frequently with the children. For example…” and so on. Be sure to include specific examples to back up your statements about each approach (e.g., notes, books, websites used for class). Do not forget to cite the sources accordingly.


  1. Finally, reflect on your own perspective with regard to the approaches.

For example, does one approach fit more comfortably with your developing teaching style, as opposed to another approach? Which one(s) and why? If not, please explain.


  1. Choose 3-4 aspects of at least two approaches that you would like to incorporate into your own teaching.


Paper should be approximately 4-5 pages, double spaced, 12-inch font, Times New Roman.

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