Assignment 1




Assignment #1 Instructions:


Response should be at least 400 words


Section 1 of the Thirteenth Amendment states,” Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” While on the surface, it appears that this Constitutional Amendment ended all forms of slavery and therefore is only about freedom, in fact it allowed enslavement to continue on as punishment and conviction for criminal acts. At present, the United States remains the world’s biggest jailer: 25% of the world’s prison population with only 5% of the world’s population. Many scholars and filmmakers argue that mass incarceration is little more than a modern form of enslavement (Angela Davis (Links to an external site.)Michelle Alexander, (Links to an external site.) Ruth Wilson Gilmore (Links to an external site.)Ava Duvernay (Links to an external site.)Slavery by Another Name (Links to an external site.), etc.).

Can the U.S. truthfully represent itself as the “home of the brave and the land of the free” if it houses the largest number of prisoners of any nation in the world? Also, if the Thirteenth Amendment proclaims to be about freedom while at the same time rationalizing enslavement as a form of punishment, do you think the Amendment contradicts itself? Why or why not? Finally, what should be done, if anything, to reconcile the intention of the Amendment with the way it has been worded?


Assignment #2 instructions:


Response should be 1 full page single space


Papers will be a minimum of 1 FULL page in length, properly formatted and focus on reflecting, analyzing, and applying the ideas of the readings. These are NOT summaries of the readings but I expect you to weave the readings and class discussions throughout the paper. Please address the following (DO NOT INCLUDE THESE QUESTIONS AS HEADERS IN YOUR PAPER): 1) Briefly describe the issue raised by the author(s) and why it is important, 2) How does or might this issue impact you? 3) What are some examples demonstrating one or more of the main ideas? 4) Use film, literature, current events, television, memes, etc. to critically react to the ideas and take a stand.

Attached are the assigned readings for assignment #2 and assignment #3

Assignment #3 Instructions:

Response should be one full page single space

Articles are located above assignment #3

Please answer the following and be sure to reference two different articles from the course readings.  Each article can only be used once. If you’d like, you can also include any thoughts or opinions you have on the readings/videos, but you still have to answer the questions below and reference the articles.


  • What is environmental justice?
  • How is pollution related to inequality?
  • Do minority (POC) communities and individuals face higher levels of environmental risk than the more affluent population?
    • Is this increased risk the result of environmental racism? Environmental inequity? Environmental injustice?
  • Is race a determining factor in assessing exposure to environmental risk, and is this exposure deliberate?







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