Case Study




The article, much like the first one you were required to read, highlights the rise and importance of this novel way of studying marketing and consumers. Isn’t it cool that we’re doing some of the things they cover at Yale!

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The videos embedded in the article can be accessed:

HERE (Links to an external site.).

HERE (Links to an external site.).

HERE (Links to an external site.).

HERE (Links to an external site.).

and: HERE (Links to an external site.).

Answer the following questions:

What are these “nudges” Richard Thaler argues about in behavioral economics and marketing? Once you’ve answered the question, provide and discuss two examples of your own.
What are the main disagreements between classical economists and behavioral economists? And how does Prof. Dhar’s approach to behavioral marketing differ from Kotler’s traditional approach?
How is this relatively novel method of studying marketing changing marketing research?
p.s. notice how they too discuss about the gorilla experiment!

A minimum of 5 ADDITIONAL References (therefore, this article + 5 more references) is required. No page-range required, but obviously no less than 3-pages, double-spaced, font 12.

You are given more than a week to complete the assignment, due to its research-intensive nature.

This is a Case Study, therefore your answers should be thorough and insightful. Remember, think like a graduate student, always ask yourself “Such as? Why?”

Because of the more scholarly nature of the assignment, Turn-It-In is applied (so please no plagiarism!), and APA Format is required.

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