College Textbook Industry Analysis




Name _________________________


The external environment consists of three major parts.  Complete an analysis for each of the three parts of the external environment for the College Textbook industry.

Part 1.  Industry Analysis

Assign a value to rate the importance of each of the five forces to this industry on a 1 (not important) to 5 (very important) scale.  Then assign a value to reflect the threat that each force poses as a threat to the industry.


Multiply the importance rating in column 2 by the threat rating in column 3 to produce a weighted score in column 4


Add the weighted scores in column 4 to get a total weighted score.  This score measures the industry’s attractiveness.


Minimum score = 5 (not attractive)

Maximum score = 125 (very attractive)


Column I

Porter’s  Five Forces (15 points)

Column 2

Importance (1-5)

(1 = not important, …

5 = very important)

Column 3

Threat to Industry (1-5)

(1 = Low,  3 = Medium,

5 = High)

Column 4


Score (5 points)


Total   _____



Based on your analysis, how attractive is this industry?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Part 2.  General Environment Analysis

  1. Indicate how each of the following general environmental segment has affected the college textbook industry. Indicate whether the effect has created an opportunity or threat.


  1. _____________________________      __ Opportunities         __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.



  1. _____________________________ __ Opportunities          __ Threats    __ Neither

Support your answer using two elements of this segment.




Part 3. Competitor Analysis


Competitor analysis focuses on each company against which a firm competes directly.  Identify two direct competitors of the provider of your textbook for this course.

  1. _____________________________ B. __________________________________


What questions would you seek answers to in analyzing these competitors?


2, _________________________________________________________________________

  1. _________________________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________________________

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