Communication Policy Approach




David owns a small chain of restaurants in and around Indianapolis.  He attended a seminar on organization culture and got interested in changing the culture of his own company.  Reflecting on his own company’s culture, David came to the conclusion that the Communications Lever was in need of special attention.  And so, he spent a week developing a new “Communications Policy”.  The Communications Policy was about fifteen pages long.  It covered how communications (letters, emails, memos, meeting minutes) should be formatted.  It provided a list of who should be on what distribution lists (the owner himself was on all the lists).  It covered “communications etiquette”, i.e., guidelines and rules for the proper tone and style of written and oral communications.  There was a fairly long list of “mandatory communications”, that is, communications that would be mandatory in specific situations, meetings, issues, or occurrences.  For example, any meeting of three or more managers would require that meeting minutes would be generated and distributed to all managers.   Or a customer complaint at any restaurant would generate a “Guest Complaint Analysis and Resolution” form that would be distributed to all the restaurants.  Upon receiving the form, each restaurant would then be mandated to discuss the complaint with its own managers, who would then generate and send out a “Guest Complaint Prevention Plan” to corporate office and all the other restaurants.

David gave the new Communications Policy to Human Resources to distribute it to all the restaurants.

Here’s your assignment:  Write an essay that analyzes David’s approach and that provides your own recommendations to David.

Here’s how you should structure your paper:


Just a few sentences that recaps the situation as you see it.


Advantages of David’s Approach

What are the advantages and good features of David’s approach?   In what ways might David’s approach work well?

Disadvantages of David’s Approach

What are the disadvantages and “bugs” of David’s approach?  In what ways might his approach not work well?


Recommended Approach for David

Describe the approach you’d recommend to David.  Is there anything David put in his plan that you’d leave out?  Is there anything in David’s plan that you’d leave as is?  Is there anything in David’s plan that you like but that you’d change?  What, if anything, would you add to David’s plan?


Like the Introduction, this should be short.  Just write a few sentences that wraps up your essay.

Instructions for Sending Drafts

Send as many drafts as you like.  The earlier you send them, the more likely I’ll get to spend some time with them.

Send your drafts by email onlyDon’t submit them on Blackboard.  Send them to .

Here’s the filename to use for your draft:

OB Fall 19 003 Essay 2 Draft 1 [or 2 or 3 or whatever] YourLastName

Notice the spaces.  Notice it’s “Fall 19” not “Fall 2019”.  Notice it’s “Essay 2” not “Essay Two” or “Paper 2”.

If you send a draft with any other filename or even the above filename incorrectly typed, I’ll kick it back to you to rename the file. Nothing personal, it’s just that I usually get lots of drafts and I have two classes, so it’s difficult to keep track of them if they aren’t labeled properly.

Instructions for Submitting Final Version

Submit your Essay 2 Final Version on Blackboard.  Don’t email it and DON’T give me a hard copy.

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