Comparing England in 1603 to England in 1714, which three changes would you argue were the most significant, and why? How and why did those changes take place?




The essay should be a minimum of five pages of text (excluding any title page and bibliography page). You need to make a MINIMUM of 90 on the essay for me to change your grade, since it’s now a take-home, and you have access to books and lectures etc. For it to be an A essay, it needs to have specific evidence (events, dates, persons, movements, etc.), and show clear connections of change, and a clear understanding of the meaning of that change. It also needs to be carefully edited, to prevent grammatical and spelling errors. Obviously, make sure you do not plagiarize (in other words, don’t just copy lecture text or stuff from readings). Since it’s a take-home, you need to provide citations for sources also.

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