Current Event Articles Assignment





  Wells Fargo Fires Bankers Amid Probe of Dinner Receipts That Were Allegedly Doctored

Wells Fargo has fired or suspended more than a dozen employees in its investment bank and is investigating dozens of others over alleged violations of the company’s expense policy on after-hours meals.


“Wells Fargo Fires Bankers Amid Probe of Dinner Receipts That Were Allegedly Doctored”,

Peter Rudegeair

Emily Glazer and 

Coulter Jones, August 30


  1. What exactly were the fired or suspended employees of Wells Fargo doing that got them into trouble?
  2. Do you think the penalties given to these employees were too harsh given Wells Fargo other major ethical issues dating back to 2016 (if you are not familiar with those past issues, you may want to read about it!) ? What message do you think Wells Fargo upper management is trying to provide to the employees with these penalties and further reviews of policies?


  Companies Try Nudging Their Way to Better Ethics

Companies are looking to influence how people make decisions and are using “nudges,” or choice architecture, as a way to promote ethical behavior among their employees.


“Companies Try Nudging Their Way to Better Ethics”, DiPietro, May 24

3. What is your view of companies “nudging” employees to make ethical choices? Do you think these programs are successful in keeping ethics front and center as employees go through their daily tasks?

4. List two other suggestions you would make to companies (large or small) with the goal of reminding their employees about the ethical standards.




Any CURRENT business article of your choice

Use Memo format

Summarize in 10 sentences or more.

Please use appropriate citation!!!!!

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