drugs and culture




Summary: An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books and articles in which each citation is followed by a brief description of the source in your own words. This annotated bibliography must have five citations+annotations of scholarly texts relevant to the drug that you will be analyzing in the final paper. Three of the sources must be liberal arts sources (from the humanities or social sciences), and two of the sources must be biomedical sources (from the biosciences or medicine). The paper should not exceed 1000 words. The annotated bibliography must include: Full citations for each source. Descriptions of the content of each source in your own words: 180 words minimum, 200 words maximum The sources should be diverse. The richer the sources, the more useful the assignment will be for building to your final project. The annotations must carefully describe the cited source in your own words, giving a clear sense of what each specific source is claiming and on what basis. Although for the eventual paper you will be free to use a wide variety of sources, this assignment needs to use scholarly sources only. A good rule of thumb is that a scholarly source always (1) cites its sources and (2) indicates the institutional affiliation of the author (generally an academic institution, occasionally government). Many sources appropriate for this assignment will appear in academic journals, such as general or specialist bio/medical journals, and liberal arts venues such as Science as Culture, Body & Society, BioSocieties, Social Studies of Science, Social Science and Medicine, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, or in edited collections such as Medicating Modern America (edited by Andrea Tone). A chapter of a book-length study might also be appropriate. your paper will be graded according to your critical analysis skills and capacity to engage with the broader literature

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