Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations




Paper instructions:
Disclaimer: This is a 2016 article -that violates my rule of 2019-only sources, but it is helpful because it puts into perspective how exchange rate fluctuations can help or hinder a company’s current and future successes from the vantage point of the company’s earnings and bottom-line.(Links to an external site.)https://www.fool.com/knowledge-center/how-to-mitigate-foreign-exchange-rate-risk.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Once again we turn to Molson Coors– this time to reinforce and learn more about he impacts of global exchange rate fluctuations on its global business. performance.

Review the website from last week: MCI’s for 2018 Q1 Q2, Q3: http://ir.molsoncoors.com/financials/financial-summary/default.aspx   (page 23 for each).Relying on(1) the Molson Coors financial summary for quarters 1, 2 and 3 Fiscal Year (FY) 2019,(2) chapters8 and 9 and (3) the above 2016 article, identify 3 major problems that negative exchange rate changes created for Molson Coors during 2019, quarters 1, 2,and 3., and what Molson Coors could do to offset these going forwardinFY2020 – all other internal and external environments’ factors remaining the same.Support, cite your resourcesfrom above including the text, articles and videos for Ch 8 and 9 to justify your responses within the body of your Discussion.

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