environmental ethics




  1. There are several fundamental Sociological concepts that are said to be the things that hold our society together and form the basis of our society. Explain in detail the importance of norms, sanctions, status, roles, culture and subculture to society and your life personally. Also, discuss the significance of the five major social institutions and the functions they serve showing how they specifically relate to you, your family and the social world around you. 2. Sociologists believe that “we are what we are taught to be” through the process of socialization. Explain in detail what we mean by socialization, the Symbolic Interactionist perspective (Cooley and George Herbert Mead), the agents of socialization and the different types of socialization. Show how these concepts and theories directly influence and affect your life. Also, discuss which concepts you believe are most important to understanding the socialization process and why you personally are what we taught you to be. 3. Understanding how people work in organizations is an important part of society. Explain how Max Weber helps you to personally understand power, authority and bureaucracy. Also explain the dysfunctions of bureaucracy and their relationship to these characteristics of bureaucracy. How have you been personally affected by these characteristics and dysfunctions of bureaucracy. Use examples from your work experience or experiences with other types of organizations.

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