European Diseases




Essay: Select two (2) of the essay questions below and provide a complete response in 1 to 2 pages per question, double-spaced. Both essays are to be in ONE file. Be sure to include your name, the question and answer all aspects of the question:



  1. We discussed various society’s views of disease causation and cure in both supernatural and natural terms.  What were these views, and how would you describe them.  Also, include why these views became prevalent when they did?


  1. Disease played a major role in ancient Greek and Roman civilization, especially in helping to bring them to an end. What were these diseases and how did they contribute to the fall of ancient Greece and Rome?


  1. Despite the generally dreadful reputation of medicine during the period 400-1400,  there was evidence of progress both in the Arab world as well as the Christian world.  Discuss what this progress was, especially institutional responses.


  1. Early modern Europe’s clinical response to the Bubonic Plague reflected influences of earlier Greek medicine and in terms of cause and cure were completely wrong. Because of the general helplessness in the face of this disease its impact on European Civilization and economy were profound . Discuss contemporary views of plague as to cause and cure and discuss what this impact on civilization and the economy was.

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