1. Research and locate one news article that discusses social justice issues happening with relation to “gender, sexualities and the coding of bodies/desires.” Doing so will help you see that this “coding” has power and is often enacted through textual discourse – thus this is not simply an academic exercise.
Provide a link
Provide an APA or MLA reference for the article.
Summarize the article and explain how it fits as either a social justice topic or “justice in action” with regard to this module
Discuss any questions/concerns
Your article should be an article from a news outlet (e.g. CNN, Fox, local newspaper, national newspaper, etc.) and not blogs or screenshots of social media posts.
2. Then, using the readings/videos from this module, pick two terms, topics, concepts or stereotypes that most impacted you (i.e. you learned the most about, were totally “new” to you, resonated with you most, etc.) and discuss them in your analysis of your selected news article.
Your post should reflect your academic reading/analysis as well as your personal reflections.
Please cite corresponding texts and your news article in either MLA or APA format.
12 point font, Times New Roman
Double spaced, 1 inch margins
At least 2 full pages in length of your writing.
Failure to include a reference list will result in an automatic 0.
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