Gay Right




You will write a paper on your choice of one of the ethical issues listed by your instructor (see below).  Discuss your perspective on the issue, supporting your arguments with the ethical thinking of one or more of the philosophers covered in this course.

In Module 11, each student is expected to submit their Essay Outline & Sources (due Monday, April 1). This includes the following:

Essay topic (chosen ethical issue)

Summary of student’s ethical perspective on the issue

Ethical theory or theories they will use to support arguments in the essay

Four sources that will be cited

Submit your Essay Outline & Sources in the designated area in Module 11. This assignment is worth 20 points.

The final version of the essay is due on Monday, April 29.  Essays must be submitted in the designated area in Module 15. Late papers will not be accepted, unless the student provides documentation of having experienced serious extenuating circumstances.

The essay must be 5 to 6 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font.  APA or MLA format may be used.  The pages must have 1-inch margins all around. Cover and sources pages do not count as the body of the 5 to 6 page essay.

Use at least FOUR sources; two sources must be accessed from the Ivy Tech Virtual Library:  The textbook or Web materials may be cited as sources, but please do not cite Wikipedia or similar information sites (such as or, films, blogs, online videos, or comics.  The essay is worth 100 points.

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