Gender Studies





Essay #3 Please write a paper of 5 – 7 pages, typed in a 12 point font, and double-spaced with 1 inch margins in response to one of the following questions:



  1. Is Marxism compatible with feminism? Why or why not?


  1. What, if anything, do you believe needs to change about gender relations in 2018?


  1. What do you think leads to the wage gap between women and men?



Required Books

Title                                                                    Author                                     

The Gendered Society                                              Kimmel, Michael                

The Handmaid’s Tale                                              Atwood, Margaret              

The Yellow Wallpaper                                    Charlotte Perkins Gilman


So please only site of these books



To write this essay you will need to cite from materials assigned for the course. No outside reading or research is required to complete this assignment. Develop your own argument in response to the question and use citations from the course materials to support and explain your argument. In doing so, you will have to show how the quotes you select explain the points you want to make.



You should follow the Chicago style citation format for all work in this course by using footnotes to cite course materials. For example, if you were to cite a passage from one of the essays in Estelle Disch’s edited volume Reconstructing Gender you would enclose the passage in quotes and then place a footnote at the end of the passage (e.g., “For the Puritan mind it was not possible to segregate a man’s spiritual life from his communal life”[1]). For subsequent references you may cite the author’s last name, and then the page number in the footnote (e.g., Miller, 200).


[1] Perry Miller, The Puritans: A Sourcebook of Their Writings (New York: Dover Publications, 2001), 181.

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