Gilded Age, American Imperialism, the Progressive Era, Progressive Era Politics, and the Suffrage Movement




Choose ONE question from each section below for a total of FIVE. Answer in a paragraph of at minimum 7-8 SENTENCES. A successful answer will include SPECIFICALLY NAMED examples from the lectures & discussion readings to illustrate your conclusions. Each answer is worth 15 points so you must include lots of specific details from the lectures and primary source readings to support your conclusions. That means names, dates, events, people, places, and a solid conclusion in order to give a more complete answer. DO NOT copy from the internet or the textbook. DO NOT simply list bullet points from the slides. GILDED AGE 1. How much difference in policy was there between the Democrats and the Republicans in the Gilded Age? What issue represented the biggest conflict? What regional, religious, ethnic factors distinguished party supporters? 2. What reforms did Farmers’ Alliances want? Who did they hope to gain as allies? How did they evolve into the Populist Party? Who was most attracted to this party? Why did the Populist Party fail? AMERICAN IMPERIALISM 3. How and why did the U.S. become involved in the Spanish-American War? Did the results support the reasons we claimed for involvement? Why or why not? 4. What were the economic motives for overseas expansion? How were these motives justified racially and philosophically? (Discuss Hawaii and the Philippines!) THE PROGRESSIVE ERA 5. Who were “The Progressives” at the turn of the 20th Century? What areas most concerned Progressives seeking change? What roles did journalists and professionals play in forwarding Progressive goals? 6. What was the purpose of the Settlement House Movement? What did Addams and her fellow social workers discover about their immigrant neighbors? How did her attitude differ from that of Jacob Riis? 7. How did working class women work to affect change at the turn of the 20th Century? What obstacles did working women face? What events served to change public sentiment towards the plight of working women? PROGRESSIVE ERA POLITICS 8. How did Progressives enact political reform at the local, state, and federal levels? (BE SPECIFIC AND GIVE EXAMPLES!) What did they hope to accomplish? How did they co-opt Populist reforms? 9. Why is Theodore Roosevelt considered to be the “First Modern President?” What role did he play in consumer and environmental protection? (GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES) 10. How did the Republican and Democratic Parties attempt to become more “progressive” during the election of 1912? Why did Progressive Republicans fail and Democrats succeed? THE SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT 11. What new strategies were used in order to gain support for Women’s Suffrage? In what way did suffrage leaders attempt to unite women across socio-economic classes? How did younger women create a more radical approach?





i just want to verify that you are doing this essay correctly and is following the instructions. In my assignment There are 5 sections. Each section has a certain amount of questions. However, you need to pick only one question from each section, and end with a total of 5 responses to 5 different questions.5 responses 7-8 sentences to five questions that arent in the same section.

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