governmental & local management of responses to the coronavirus pandemic.




Owing to recent events, I realize it has become has become difficult (or impossible) for many students
to complete the assigned research project as originally discussed and planned with you earlier in this
course. However, the evolution of the current pandemic situation represents an opportunity for you as
students to discuss and analyze the scenario in managerial terminology from multiple perspectives.
Therefore, I am presenting the option that each student may choose to submit either :

1) the orignally proposed and accepted topic paper, OR
2) a paper discussing and analyzing governmental & local management of responses to
the coronavirus pandemic.

The following specifications and formatting will apply for either paper.
MLA format unless otherwise noted; Times New Roman or Cambria 12 pt font. All margins: 1 inch.
The first line of each paragraph should be indented 1⁄2 inch. Body text should be left-aligned, NOT
justified. The entire paper should be double-spaced including the heading and specifically not include
any additional spacing after paragraphs. The final deliverable project will be between five and seven
pages (not including source citations) and will include a summarized analysis consisting
minimally of one paragraph with five complete sentences. It must be submitted in Microsoft
Word (docx) format unless otherwise approved in advance by the instructor.
For those students choosing the second option (coronavirus case analysis) option, you will use the key
terms list and guidelines provided to report on your perspective on the current and unprecedented
global crisis. Some ideas you may choose to incorporate include:
• Relate the basic functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) to
governmental and business responses to the pandemic
• Identify various leadership styles of key individuals and discuss relevant motivational theories
• Identify relevant theories regarding the decision making process by key individuals
• Relate the concepts of authority, responsibility and accountability to the chain of command
• Explain the nature of delegation and identify the barriers to delegation
• Identify major control techniques used and how they are applied
• Identify and explain the role of information technology in the ongoing scenario
• Identify issues related to a diversified work force and the global context of issues involved
The student will utilize information based on data they gathered from both primary (direct observation
and/or interviews) and secondary sources (cited news & media reports).
In the body text of the paper, the student must italicize and underline the first occurrence of each
utilized key term.
The paper must specifically reference involvement and managerial perspective on the significance of at
least three of the following individuals:
President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill deBlasio,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The following list of common abbreviations are to be used in the paper in place of the full organization

WHO – World Health Organization
CDC – Center for Disease Control
NIH – National Institutes of Health
NIAID – National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
FDA – Food and Drug Administration

Key terms list
Group “A” – 16 required terms – These must be each included at least once.
planning, organizing, leading, controlling
efficiency, effectiveness, communication
economy, ethics, policy, leadership
data analysis, validity, reliability
communication, span of control
Group “B” – Additionally, the paper must include at least 14 concepts of your choosing from this
collaboration, stakeholders, culture
sustainability, social responsiveness
process, procedures, mass production
bounded rationality, intuition
decision bias, transactional leadership, transformational leadership
social media, social responsibility, change agent, creativity, innovation
necessity entrepreneurship, inclusion, work teams, organizational behavior
cognitive dissonance, motivation, expectancy theory, equity theory
message*, channel*, decoding*, feedback*, filtering*, information overload*
(* – These terms relate to the required terminolgy of “communication” from Group “A”)

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