Historical arguments




There are historical arguments about whether “great men (individuals)” or social and economic processes (such as the expansion of capitalism) are most important in historical change — was FDR responsible for creating the idea that government was responsible for the welfare of its citizens, for instance, or would this assumption have grown anyway, given economic forces?


Decide which side you wish to argue, and then give me three examples proving your point. For instance, if you want to argue that impersonal forces are more important than individuals, you could discuss the effect of the railroad on the development of US nationalism, of the credit card on the modern economy, of the internet on habits of thought. (These are just examples.) It will probably be easier to argue that individuals have wide-ranging effects on history, which would let you just pick out three people you think famous — but suit yourself.


Develop your argument through paragraph structure. First paragraph states your thesis — what you’re going to argue. Then there should be at least three paragraphs developing your argument. The last paragraph is your conclusion.

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