



Signature Assignment: Applying Critical Thinking in Civic Learning REMEMBER: UPLOAD YOUR ASSIGNMENT TO BOTH THE REGULAR ASSIGNMENT BOX AND THE TURNITIN ASSIGNMENT BOX SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT In the SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT students will demonstrate their critical thinking skills, and practice written communication and information literacy skills, by addressing a problem/issue directly relevant to the current legislative policy and political debate. The goal of the Signature Assignment is to achieve a critically informed position on an issue of contemporary importance that will serve as a foundation for civic engagement and informed participation in democratic processes. Therefore, the Signature Assignment involves applying critical thinking in what is known as ‘civic learning’. WHAT SHOULD THE SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT LOOK LIKE? WHAT ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS? GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT Students will be required to take a position on ONE specific issue and provide substantive arguments supporting their position that are evidence based. Also, in the problem students will be required to consider objections to their position and arguments, and to respond to their objections. GATHERING EVIDENCE AND INFORMATION WILL REQUIRE SOME RESEARCH. Fair-mindedness should be practiced. Relevant questions and issue should be identified and researched. And, students should avoid fallacies, or be aware when one argues using a fallacy. This is a problem solving exercise, not a persuasive essay per se—although persuasion is relevant. In the last three Sessions we will cover approaches to solving this problem—bringing together all the material covered in the class. THE ESSAY SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 1500 (ALTHOUGH THERE IS NO WORD LIMIT) QUOTES MUST HAVE QUOTATION MARKS AND REFERENCES. USE MLA OR APA FORMAT. THE ESSAY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO BOTH THE TURNITIN ASSIGNMENT BOX AND THE REGULAR ASSIGNMENT BOX IN THE LAST WEEK THE ESSAY IS DUE THE LAST DAY OF CLASS. WHAT THE SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD LOOK LIKE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH (100-300 words minimum) The introductory paragraph should present the following: State the problem and the thesis or proposed solution to the problem: FOR EXAMPLE: “In this essay I will argue that Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use nationally.” Or, “In this essay I will argue that Marijuana should be made illegal for recreational use.” Explain or describe your general position, and any general qualifications to the proposed solutions. BODY OF ESSAY (PRESENTATION OF ARGUMENTS AND EVIDENCE, OBJECTIONS, and REPLIES TO OBJECTIONS) PROVIDE LEAST THREE ARGUMENTS FOR YOUR POSITION: There is no one way to present arguments and evidence, of course. This problem will require addressing positions on issues, issues (those issues deemed most important to the election and why). Outline the arguments for your position first. Identify the most important evidence and explain how that evidence supports your position. In stating opinions and claims, students should consider the reasons or grounds for their opinions and claims. Students should identify those key opinions and claims that support the argument and provide evidence and arguments for these claims. Opinions or claims lacking evidence and argument do not offer support for the position presented. EXPLAIN AND THEN REFUTE AT LEAST TWO OBJECTIONS OR COUNTER-ARGUMENTS: Identify the strongest criticisms of not merely your proposed solution, but also of your argument for you solution–the arguments and evidence presented. Explain these objections, and then respond to them. CONCLUDING REMARKS (100-300 words minimum) In your concluding remarks you may do a variety of things: 1) summarize your position. 2) express final thoughts, convictions, or reservations 3) reflect on what additional evidence might change your way of looking at the problem 4) express your overall degree of confidence in the solution.

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