



Paper instructions:
Written and Oral Communication— identify the advantages and disadvantages of the various research methods, including the ethical considerations, used to study human development throughout the lifespan (CCO 3), and participate in analytical discussions of various topics found in human development (CCO 9)

II.Critical Analysis and Reasoning— apply major human development theoretical perspectives to maximize potentials and/or resolve developmental issues that typically occur in each phase of life (CCO 2)

IV.Scientific and Quantitative or Logical Reasoning – identify the physical, socioemotional, cognitive, and personality aspects associated with each phase of life (CCO5)

VI.Local and Global Diversity— analyze the similarities and differences of diverse multicultural, international, and global perspectives in such areas as parenting styles, sexual expression, relationship patterns, treatment of different age groups, gender roles, death, dying, bereavement, and other human development topics (CCO 6);

Personal and Professional Ethics—apply the data, concepts, and theories learned in human development to one’s personal, relational, social and/or workplace situations (CCO8)

Students must choose one (1) of the articles from the list below.
After a selection has been made and the article has been located using the CCBC Library Database, students are to write a multi-paragraph summary based on the different parts of the article (see “Assignment Specifications” for more detailed information).

Choose one (1) article from this list:
All of the articles from the list are retrievable from the CCBC Library Electronic Journal Database. You will need your student ID and password to access the CCBC database.

Prenatal Development

Chen, J.-H. (2012). Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy, birth weight and early behavioral Outcomes. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 47(6), 649.
Grigorenko, E. L., Cicchetti, D., Monk, C., Spicer, J., & Champagne, F. A. (2012). Linking prenatal maternal adversity to developmental outcomes in infants: The role of epigenetic pathways. Development and Psychopathology, 24(4), 1361-1376.


Finno-Velasquez, M., Palmer, L., Prindle, J., Tam, C. C., & Putnam-Hornstein, E. (2017). A birth cohort study of Asian and Pacific Islander children reported for abuse or neglect by maternal nativity and ethnic origin. Child Abuse & Neglect, 72, 54–65.
Tzilos, G., Hess, L., Kao, J., & Zlotnick, C. (2013). Characteristics of perinatal women seeking treatment for marijuana abuse in a community-based clinic. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 16(4), 333-337.
Early Childhood

Barr, R. (2013). Memory constraints on infant learning from picture books, television, and touchscreens. Child Development Perspectives, 7(4), 205-210.
Huisman, S., Catapano, S., Moody, A. K., & Gates, L. K. (2013). Families’ perception on play in the early childhood setting. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 21(1), 28-48.
Middle Childhood

Giusto, A., Kaiser, B. N., Ayuku, D., & Puffer, E. S. (2019). A direct observational measure of family functioning for a low-resource setting: Adaptation and feasibility in a Kenyan sample. Behavior Therapy, 50, 459–473.
Hahn, R. A., Rammohan, V., Truman, B. I., Milstein, B., Johnson, R. L., Muntañer, C., & Abraido-Lanza, A. F. (2014). Effects of full-day kindergarten on the long-term health prospects of children in low-income and racial/ethnic-minority populations: A community guide systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(3), 312-323.

Perron, B. E., Alexander-Eitzman, B., Watkins, D., Taylor, R. J., Baser, R., Neighbors, H. W., & Jackson, J. S. (2009). Ethnic differences in delays to treatment for substance use disorders: African Americans, Black Caribbeans, and Non-Hispanic Whites. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 41(4), 369-377.
Wickrama, K., Simons, L., & Baltimore, D. (2012). The influence of ethnicity and adverse life experiences during adolescence on young adult socioeconomic attainment: The moderating role of education. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 41(11), 1472-1487.

Young Adulthood

Netting, N. S., & Reynolds, M. K. (2018). Thirty years of sexual behavior at a Canadian university: Romantic relationships, hooking up, and sexual choices. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(1), 55–68.
Howard Caldwell, C., Kohn-Wood, L. P., Schmeelk-Cone, K. H., Chavous,T. M., & Zimmerman, M. A.(2004). Racial discrimination and racial identity as risk or protective factors for violent behaviors in African American young adults. American Journal of Community Psychology, 33(1-2), 91-105.
Middle Adulthood

Blatný, M., Millová, K., Jelínek, M., & Osecká, T. (2015). Personality predictors of successful development: Toddler temperament and adolescent personality traits predict well-being and career stability in middle adulthood. PLoS One, 10(4), 1-21.
Magnusson, C., & Trost, K.(2006). Girls experiencing sexual intercourse early: Could it play a part in reproductive health in middle adulthood? Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 27(4), 237-244.
Late Adulthood

Krause, N., & David Hayward, R. (2012). Religion, meaning in life, and change in physical functioning during late adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 19(3), 158-169.
Sosa, G. W., & Lagana, Luciana. (2019). The effects of video game training on the cognitive functioning of older adults: A community-based randomized controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 80, 20–30.
Your paper should include several paragraphs for each of the following sections. Be certain to follow APA style section heading style and format.


An introductory paragraph introduces the reader to the topic of your paper and states the thesis of the research.For the purpose of this assignment, the introductory paragraph should describe the research topic presented within the selected article as well as the main points discussed throughout the article.


Trace the logical reasons for this research based upon the findings of previous research.In other words, what prior findings discussed in the selected article led the researchers to the current experiment?For example, if researchers wanted to do a study about a new medication to be given to children, then part of the rationale (e.g. reasoning) might be that no one has researched the medication on children before.Another possibility could be that the medications currently used with children have been found to have serious side effects.


Describe the subjects, procedures, and measurement tools used in the study.


What were the findings of the researchers?Although you are not expected to interpret advanced statistics, focus on the summative statements in the section.


What does the experimental evidence add to the existing knowledge?How did the authors critique their own research? How does these research findings apply or could be applied to personal and professional ethics which may impact people during their lives?

Critical Thinking

In what ways do the research findings fit with the content you have learned in Human Growth and Development?How might the research findings impact people during their lives?How does this research apply/or could be applied to or differ from thelocal diversity and global perspectives (e.g., parenting styles, sexual expression, relationship patterns, treatment of different age groups, gender roles, death, dying, bereavement, and other human development topics)?


Please include the resource/s that you used to write this article summary.


You must submit your paper using your course Blackboard assignment area to send ONE version of your paper by the due date. The title page must NOT include your name, or your instructor’s name, but should include your student ID, course number and section along with the other required APA elements (e.g., page header, page number, title of your paper, course name). Save your attachment with your student ID (900#) as the file name.


Be sure that your paper includes at least six paragraphs identifying each of the research elements noted above.
Obey APA rules for quotations, paraphrases, and citations
You may not use quotes for more than 20% of your paper.
Please spell and grammar check your papers.
Proofread your paper to ensure your sentences make sense.
Submissions must include a reference page with the article citation.
Your paper should be written in American Psychological Association (APA) format.It is not necessary to write an abstract for this assignment.You may access the APA headings link:
CCBC Library: Citation Basics: APA Style

This assignment will account for 10% of the total course grade.
See attached rubric under Getting Started section of our Blackboard Page for details about how your essay will be graded.

Your paper should be written in American Psychological Association (APA) format.It is not necessary to write an abstract for this assignment.You may access the APA Style for College Papers at

You can find these articles by going to CCBC library webpage:

Ø Then click on Find:

Ø Chose Psychology databases:

Ø From there you can find the full text of the article that you want to summarize.

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