Internal Control




You are the new Director of Development in Goodworks non-profit. You are currently reviewing the internal controls over donations that are sent directly to Goodworks in the form of checks. Your review reveals that the checks are promptly endorsed “For Deposit Only,”but no list of the checks is prepared by the person opening the mail. The mail is opened either by the mailroom employee or by the employee who maintains the accounts receivable records. Mail receipts are deposited in the bank weekly by the manager of Accounts Receivable. Discuss the weaknesses in internal control and your recommendations for improving the system.

Remember to provide additional information to the discussion that would be informative; elaborate and expand on previous information to the comments from others; present explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students; present reasons for or against a topic in a persuasive fashion; share your own personal experiences that relate to the topic; share a URL website with other students and explanation for an area you researched on the Internet. Responses must be posted within the allotted timeframe and written at a college-level.

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