Introduction to Disasters





1.natural event causing large scale damage (i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, blizzards, floods, etc.

2.Technological: a disaster cause by human error or negligence in controlling technology (i.e. plane crash caused by pilot error, nuclear reactor accident, power plant explosion by faulty equipment, etc.)

3.Complex: disasters that are intentionally caused by humans and often lead to complex problems such as food insecurities. It is important to note that more than one disaster can contribute to the problem (i.e. 911)


consider the following questions:

  • 1. How do the reactions, emotions, attitudes or viewpoints of the survivors/victims in each scenario(video) differ?


  • 2. What do you think accounts for these differences?



Answer the questions provided on the preceding slide entitled “Compare and Contrast”. As a reminder, all Discussion Boards should be written in essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. There should be a minimum of three paragraphs. Also, this is considered a writing assignment. Posts should be written using professional, efficient writing with minimal to no grammatical errors.


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