Investigate the experiences of Afro-Latino people in Haiti And The Dominican Republic





  • Background
  • How did Haiti and the Dominican Republic Split into Two Countries?
  • Haiti

(Population, Demographics, Culture, Languages, Religion)

  • Dominican Republic

(Population, Demographics, Culture, Languages, Religion)

  • Show comparisons and differences
  • State The Problem

Antihaitianismo or Anti-Haitianism

  • Thesis

With such a high number of individuals with Afro-Latin decent why is it such a huge problem between Haitians and Dominicans?



  • Why? The History

Talk About The History of The Division of Latinos and Afro-Latinos

White Supremacy (“Whiter/Lighter” Is Considered Better)

  • State the effects of Antihaitianismo

Loss of Employment

Police Harassment

In the DR the police will often stop and ask darker skinned

people to show documentation where they were born to prove that they aren’t Haitian.


Citizenship/ Deportation/ Immigration Laws

Crime (violence)

Oversexualize Haitian Women


DR Children Taught Lies about Haitians In School

Hate Proproganda About Haiti

On Radio





  • Restate The Issue
  • Offer resolutions for the issue

Human Rights Organizations

Help from other countries

Other ideas

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