


1. follow the file i upload, choose question 1 and question 2 from the four questions which provided in
the PDF file.(the two questions is "Work-life balance is only of importance to mothers" and " The
economic benefits of modern slavery outweigh any reputational damage for firms')
2. check APPENDIX ONE first, it is the MARKING CRITERIA

‘Let’s argue’ total word count 500 words excluding references list
(yes, in-text citations count)
The purpose of this assessment is to get you to examine your views, and practice formulating the
kinds of precise, persuasive arguments you are likely to find very helpful as you move on to your
future careers.
You are required to formulate a 250 word argument for or against each of two of the following
controversial statements.
1. Work-life balance is only of importance to mothers
2. The economic benefits of modern slavery outweigh any reputational damage for firms
3. A person’s commitment to their job decreases as they age
4. A focus on managing diversity is incompatible with ensuring equality at work.
Each answer is worth 50% of the overall mark for this assignment and the marking criteria are
detailed below in Appendix One. You will need to familiarise yourself with ‘how to argue’ using the
resources in the ‘assessment’ section of the unit Moodle site. Briefly summarised, an argument
 An assertion which responds to your chosen statement
 Reason(s) why this assertion should be accepted; and
 Evidence for why the reason(s) are valid/ convincing
It is not enough to just assert something, say it is important, then add a reference. You will need to
explain your reasoning behind your thinking and support that with evidence why that reason should
be accepted as a good one. This is explained in more depth in the guidance in Assignment 2
(document and video). In academic work, evidence is usually in the form of references to high
quality research, statistics, or views from other reputable authorities (such as industry bodies or
trade unions for example).
You should include one list of references at the end of your two 250 word arguments.
Remember you can complete this assignment to a high standard even if you do not feel sure of your
personal position on the issue – think of the number of lawyers who know their client is guilty, but
still mount a case for their innocence anyway!

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